In order to stop a cold war you need to use a team of peacespies to convert two groups of spies who do unto each other. End the cold war before one side wins!
visit and convert every spy to gray civilian so they cannot fight anymore
download the files in this repo install live-server go to commandline in the folder with index.html run live-server
- black spies can be converted
- talk bubble appears during contact and while the process of conversion occurs to indicate negotiation, this process is automated at this level
- bombs cause stress at various levels as soon as they appear
- fix the blinking spies ✅
- convert white spies to gray ✅
- black to gray and white to gray indicators ✅
- REFACTOR spy functions and data bars
- player, spy and civilian death from bombs
- fix alignment bar to show results of your actions
- move spies to start locations
- spies get missions and they complete them
- spies get secret missions like bomb actions
- spies and civilians lose health
- spies get stressed
- stressed spies make mistakes
- hover on data (health, stress, mission, cover)