Domoticz module for MagicMirror2.
Create your own subfolder in "modules". In that subfolder, create a new subfolder and name it "domoticz". Copy domoticz.js to that folder (MagicMirror/modules/marvidsson/domoticz/domoticz.js).
In config.js, add the following lines and change it to match your setup and sensors.
module: 'marvidsson/domoticz', //folder
header: 'Domoticz',
position: 'top_left',
config: {
apiBase: "", //Domoticz IP
apiPort: "8082", //Port
sensors: [
idx: "65", //Device IDX
symbolon: "fa fa-user", /font-awesome icon if device is On
symboloff: "fa fa-user-o", //font-awesome icon if device is Off (this will also be used if it is a temperature-de
hiddenon: true, //true = hide if device is on (default: false)
hiddenoff: false, //frue = hide if device is off (default: false)
customTitle: "Bedroom lamp",
idx: "539",
symbolon: "fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin",
symboloff: "fa fa-circle-o-notch",
idx: "539",
symbolon: "fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin",
symboloff: "fa fa-circle-o-notch",
hiddenoff: false,
idx: "88",
symbolon: "fa fa-tachometer",
symboloff: "fa fa-tachometer",
- Config - Hide device when it's on or off
- Config - Custom device title