MikroTik RouterOS Scripts for various use and shared among different projects. Repository contains ready to use scripts as well functions ready to use in larger projects. Check also another repository with scripts related strictly to MikroTik CAPsMAN automation 🔗 CAPsMAN Automation Scripts. Here you can find script template that I use 🔗 RouterOS_Script_Template.
- RouterOS_All_Software_Download.rsc - typos fix
- RouterOS_Array_Append.rsc
- RouterOS_All_Software_Download.rsc
- RouterOS_Dual_WAN_Failover.rsc
- RouterOS_Config_Fetch.rsc
- RouterOS_Measure_Execution_Time.rsc
- RouterOS_RB750GR3_DUDE_Setup.rsc
- RouterOS_Cloud_Backup.rsc
- RouterOS_FTP_Backup.rsc
- RouterOS_Function_Template.rsc
- RouterOS_PPP_Disconnect_Active_Sessions.rsc
- RouterOS_Recreate_Bridge.rsc
- RouterOS_RadiusMonitor.rsc
- RouterOS_User_Alerts.rsc
- RouterOS_Auto_Firmware_Upgrade.rsc
- RouterOS_Port_Knock.rsc
- RouterOS_R_ARP.rsc
- RouterOS_Format_Drive.rsc
- RouterOS_Substring_Variable.rsc
- RouterOS_System_Status.rsc
- RouterOS_Mail_Backup.rsc
- RouterOS_Cloud_Backup.rsc
- RouterOS_File_Screening.rsc
- RouterOS_Renew_License.rsc
- RouterOS_Script_Fetch.rsc - Update
- RouterOS_Auto_Upgrade.rsc - Update/Clean ups
- RouterOS_Auto_Upgrade.rsc
- Fixed missing auto check for updates to get variables values at first
- RouterOS_Auto_Upgrade.rsc
- RouterOS_Script_Fetch.rsc
- Fetches script from git to RouterOS directory
- RouterOS_Script_Fetch.rsc
- RouterOS_Auto_Upgrade.rsc
- Upgrades RouterOS if new package found when run
- RouterOS_Auto_Upgrade.rsc
- RouterOS_String_Generator.rsc
- Generates 6 char string based on dictionary
- RouterOS_Reset_Interface.rsc
- Resets interface if particular IP does not respond
- RouterOS_String_Generator.rsc
- RouterOS_Modulo.rsc
- Modulo operation
- RouterOS_Load_Script.rsc
- Loads RouterOS script to environment. If file is missing adds log entry
- RouterOS_Modulo.rsc
- FTP_Backup_Template.rsc
- Schedules generation of .backup and .rsc file on RouterOS. Create FTP user dedicated for automatic backups. More on automatic RouterOS backups can be found under dedicated project: 🔗 Backup_mt by gbudny93
- RouterOS_Auto_Upgrade.rsc
- in progress
- RouterOS_Create_Directory.rsc
- Creates directory with specific name in RouterOS
- RouterOS_Log_Filtering.rsc
- Filters logs based on specified criteria: time or message and put in desired output
- RouterOS_Log_To_Alert.rsc
- Sends an email alert based on log message match
- RouterOS_Send_Email.rsc
- Sends email via SMTP server with common email parameters as function parameters
- RouterOS_File_Logging.rsc
- Adds log entry if file was added or removed
- RouterOS_LCD_Change.rsc (Applies only to physical devices with LCD)
- Changes LCD mode from dark to light and vice versa based on schedule set up
- RouterOS_Low_Disk_Space.rsc
- Sends email alert if disk space is under specified treshhold
- RouterOS_File_Screening.rsc
- in progress
- RouterOS_Eth_Errors_Handling.rsc
- in progress
- RouterOS_Config_Check.rsc
- in progress
- FTP_Backup_Template.rsc
6/14/2019 first release
- FTP_Backup_Template.rsc
- Schedules generation of .backup and .rsc file on RouterOS. Create FTP user dedicated for automatic backups. More on automatic RouterOS backups can be found under dedicated project: 🔗 Backup_mt by gbudny93
- RouterOS_Auto_Upgrade.rsc
- in progress
- RouterOS_Create_Directory.rsc
- Function that creates directory with specific name in RouterOS
- RouterOS_Log_Filtering.rsc
- in progress
- RouterOS_Log_To_Alert.rsc
- in progress
- RouterOS_Send_Email.rsc
- Fucntion sending email via SMTP server with common email parameters as function parameters
- FTP_Backup_Template.rsc
- ✅ RouterOS v6.40 or higher
- ✅ MikroTik CRS or CCR with LCD for RouterOS_LCD_Change.rsc
Use the following scripts to make your RouterOS management easier or use them in various larger scripts or projects :+1:
This script creates two files via RouterOS scheduler as well creates FTP user and group:
- .backup file
- .rsc file
Script is a part of 🔗 Backup_mt by gbudny93 project.
Automated download of all latest RouterOS standard packages. Tool recommended for CAPsMANs and DUDE servers
Wrapper to append array elements
Checks if latest firmware is available. Installs it and sends email notification
$AutoFirmwareUpgrade smtpServer=smtpServer smtpPort=smtpPort domain=example.com \
[email protected];
Checks if latest package is available. Downloads it, installs and sends email notification
$PackageAutoDownload userName=userName password=password packagePath=path \
smtpServer=ipAddress smtpPort=poty [email protected] \
[email protected];
Creates new backup file and uploads it to MikroTik Cloud
$CloudBackup password=password;
RouterOS function that creates directory with defined name in the system. Can be used just to create directory or be a part of larger project.
$CreateDirecotry userName=UserName password=Password directoryName=DirectoryName;
Simple setup for DUAL WAN failover. Main WAN must be commented as WAN1. Secondary WAN must be commented as WAN2
RouterOS function for log messages filtering based on message or time match stored in chosen output.
RouterOS function sending mail alert if log entry matches message criteria.
$LogToAlert message="message" fileName="fileName" smtpServer=smtpServer smtpPort=smtpPort domain="@example.com" \
recipient="[email protected]";
RouterOS function to send email via SMTP server. Function contains all common email fields like to, cc, subject, body and more. Function can be called itself in RouterOS or by other script.
$SendEmail smtpServer=SMTPServer smtpPort=SMTPPort from=From to=To subject=Subject body=Body;
RouterOS function adding log entry if file was added or removed.
RouterOS function changing LCD mode from dark to light and vice versa based on schedule setup.
$ChangeLcd lightModeStartTime="08:00:00" darkModeStartTime="17:00:00";
RouterOS function generating mail alert if disk space is below defined treshhold.
$LowDiskSpace treshhold=free_disk_space_in_%;
Creates RouterOS backup and config file and sends them via email
$MailBackup configName=configName backupName=backupName smtpServer=smtpServer smtpPort=smtpPort [email protected] \
[email protected];
Removes files by specific name or file extansion
$FileScreening keyWord=".txt";
Formats RouterOS additional drive
$FormatDrive drive=0 fileSystem=ext3 label=data;
Modulo function.
$Modulo number=number_to_be_devided modulo=modulo_value;
Port Knock from RouterOS
:global knockBase {"sourceIP1"="port23"; \
"sourceIP2"="port22" \
$PortKnock base=$knockBase destinationAddress=destinationIP;
ARP/RARP Function (shortange syntax)
$R_ARP mode=mode;
Sends Radius statistics via email
$RadiusMonitor smtpServer=smtpServer smtpPort=smtpPort domain="@example.com" recipient="[email protected]";
Renews RouterOS License
$RenewLicense account=account password=password level=level;
Loads function to RouterOS environment
$LoadScript scriptName=scriptName.rsc;
Generates 6 char string based on dictionary
Resets interface if particular IP does not respond
$ResetInterface ipAddress=ipAddress_To_Monitor interfaceName=interface_name;
Fetches script from git to RouterOS directory
$FetchScript url="https://example.repo.com" destinationPath="FolderName" destinationFileName="ScriptName"
$FetchScript url="https://example.repo.com" destinationPath="FolderName" destinationFileName="ScriptName" isRun=true
$FetchScript url="https://example.repo.com" destinationPath="FolderName" destinationFileName="ScriptName" isSchedule=true\
interval="24" taskName="TaskName" startTime="startup"
Substrings variable
$Substring findMode=true string="string" signA="A" signB "b";
After defined number of logon failure attempts in 1 hour sends email alert and blocks source IP on firewall
$UserAlert message="message" treshhold=3 fileName="fileName" smtpServer=smtpServer smtpPort=smtpPort domain="@example.com" \
recipient="[email protected]";
Creates backup files and sends them via FTP to FTP server
$FTPBackup configName=configName backupName=backupName smtpServer=smtpServer smtpPort=smtpPort [email protected] \
[email protected] destPath=destPath ftpUser=user ftpPassword=password ftpServer=ftpserver;
Function template that I use
Disconnects all PPP active sessions at once
Recreates bridge if broken or misconfigured
- Grzegorz Budny