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GH-611: Accountant Overlapping Scans (#176)
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* GH-611: add test to scan for payables in case flag is false

* GH-611: add one more test and todos for Scanner

* GH-611: change Scanner from a trait to struct

* GH-611: use RefCell to eliminate the problem with mutable closure inside

* GH-611: remove redundant fields from

* GH-611: migrate flag from Accountant to Scanner

* GH-611: fix test accountant_have_proper_defaulted_values

* GH-611: rename items in

* GH-611: add functions to update flag for is_scan_running

* GH-611: add a TODO for verifying that scanners are defaulted properly

* GH-611: throw error when scan is already running.

* GH-611: add a todo to handle the case when UI triggers a scan, but the scan is already running

* GH-611: allow scan is running error logs to print the scan type

* GH-611: write logs whenever a new scan is requested but scan is already running

* GH-611: rename the module to scanners

* GH-611: use timestamp instead of boolean flag for marking whether a scan is running

* GH-611: change the logs to include timestamp in case scan is already running

* GH-611: add todos for ending scans for PendingPayables

* GH-611: use a RefCell to update the initiated_at variable

* GH-611: add a test for testing whether scan has started

* GH-611: use mark_as_started() in the scan()

* GH-611: end the scan for payables at handle_sent_payable()

* GH-611: allow blockchain bridge to send ReportTransactionReceipts with an empty vector

* GH-611: disable starting and ending the scans to fix the tests in accountant/

* GH-611: remove compiler warnings

* GH-611: scanners struct can be constructed with the respective scanners

* GH-611: eliminate the BeginMessageWrapper

* GH-611: modify PayableDAOMock

* GH-611: modify PendingPayableDaoFactoryMock and ReceivableDaoFactoryMock

* GH-611: supply DAOs for Scanner inside the tests of accountant/

* GH-611: introduce scanner mock

* GH-611: modify ScannerMock and replace NullScanner with ScannerMock

* GH-611: an attempt to migrate the contents of scan_for_payables() inside PayableScanner

* GH-611: remove ctx and comment out code

* GH-611: remove the commented out code

* GH-611: add a todo!() inside payable_exceeded_threshold() to generate a successful build

* GH-611: write test for payable_thresholds_real

* GH-611: get rid of copy from structs in

* GH-611: pull out payment_thresholds out of accountant_config and distribute a reference(counted) to individual scanners

* GH-611: refactor tools for Payable Scanner

* GH-611: migrate the payable scanner tools to the

* GH-611: Add a todo and comment out the test

* GH-611: refactor

* GH-611: fix qualified_payables_and_summary()

* GH-611: test drive the checks for whether a payable is qualified

* GH-611: migrate test for testing debt extremes inside

* GH-611: refactor the investigate_debt_extremes()

* GH-611: migrate tools for payable_scanner inside a different module

* GH-611: add test for payable_scanner for initiating a scan

* GH-611: add tests for pending payable initating a scan

* GH-611: extend tests to assert for log messages

* GH-611: migrate the scan_for_receivables to the begin_scan()

* GH-611: add test for scanning for delinquency

* GH-611: remove referenced counter from the payable_scanner_tools

* GH-611: remove some import warnings

* GH-611: generate timestamp inside begin_scan()

* GH-611: modify BannedDaoFactoryMock

* GH-611: fix test accountant_sends_report_accounts_payable_to_blockchain_bridge_when_qualified_payable_found

* GH-611: fix the test accountant_sends_a_request_to_blockchain_bridge_to_scan_for_received_payments

* GH-611: fix test scan_for_pending_payable_found_unresolved_pending_payable_and_urges_their_processing

* GH-611: remove the code from accountant/ that has been moved to

* GH-611: add ScannerError

* GH-611: fix accountant_scans_after_startup

* GH-611: refactor handlers for scan requests in accountant/

* GH-611: fix more tests inside accountant/

* GH-611: reorder dao in tests for Accountant and Scanner, and replace ScannerMock with NullScanner

* GH-611: use the timestamp from the function parameter for scanners

* GH-611: refactor the handlers for scan requests

* GH-611: fix tests related to externally triggered scan

* GH-611: fix test accountant_payable_scan_timer_triggers_periodical_scanning_for_payables

* GH-611: fix test periodical_scanning_for_pending_payable_works

* GH-611: fix periodical_scanning_for_receivables_and_delinquencies_works

* GH-611: begin_scan() updates the timestamp

* GH-611: remove unnecessary test

* GH-611: throw error in case scan is already running

* GH-611: handle error message ScanAlreadyRunning

* GH-611: fix tests for when the scan is already running

* GH-611: remove commented code and change the test name to periodical_scanning_for_payable_works

* GH-611: remove warnings

* GH-611: add timestamp as a paramneter in the function investigate_debt_extremes()

* Test is passing

* GH-611: remove the warnings

* GH-611: refactor test scan_for_payable_message_triggers_payment_for_balances_over_the_curve and update

* GH-611: decouple pending payable and payable daos inside test pending_transaction_is_registered_and_monitored_until_it_gets_confirmed_or_canceled

* GH-611: provide correct DAOs to the Accountant after migrating handle_sent_payable() to end_scan() inside the PayableScanner

* GH-611: fix tests in accountant to call scan_finished() directly

* GH-611: migrate all code of handle_sent_payable() to scan_finished() for the PayableScanner

* GH-611: throw errors when a problem happens while handling SentPayable message

* GH-611: migrate seperate_early_errors to finished

* GH-611: remove commented out from accountant/

* GH-611: return an option of NodeToUiMessage from the scan_finished()

* GH-611: format the error messages inside

* GH-611: refactor scan_finished() of PayableScanner

* GH-611: migration to scan_finished() for PendingPayableScanner in progress

* GH-611: directly store fields of accountant config inside Accountant

* GH-611: pull fields of accountant config outside

* GH-611: refactor utility fn to build bootstrapper config with defaults

* GH-611: comment out AccountantConfig

* GH-611: migrate process_transaction_by_status() to the

* GH-611: return errors instead of panicking inside PendingPayable Scanner

* GH-611: pass payable dao inside pending payable scanner

* GH-611: share FinancialStatistics with the PendingPayableScanner

* GH-611: fix AccountantBuilder's default configuration

* GH-611: supply PayableDAO for PendingPayableScanner inside tests

* GH-611: fix the handler for the PendingPayable Scanner

* GH-611: rename individual scanner in Scanners struct

* GH-611: migrate test interpret_transaction_receipt_when_transaction_status_is_none_and_outside_waiting_interval() to

* GH-611: migrate test interpret_transaction_receipt_when_transaction_status_is_none_and_within_waiting_interval

* GH-611: migrate interpret_transaction_receipt_panics_at_undefined_status_code() to

* GH-611: rename the panic message

* GH-611: migrate test interpret_transaction_receipt_when_transaction_status_is_a_failure() to

* GH-611: migrate handle_pending_tx_handles_none_returned_for_transaction_receipt() to

* GH-611: migrate test for report transaction receipts message into

* GH-611: remove unnecessary code from

* GH-611: migrate some functions for PendingPayable Scanner to

* GH-611: reorder items inside

* GH-611: migrate tests for CancelPendingTransactions inside

* GH-611: remove the CancelFailedPendingTransaction message

* GH-611: migrate tests for update_payable_fingerprint()

* GH-611: migrate tests for confirming pending transactions to

* GH-611: remove transaction confirmation tools

* GH-611: migrate handling of ReceivedPayments message to the scan_finished() of

* GH-611: use mark_as_started() to update the timestamp inside Scanners

* GH-611: reanme ScannerError to BeginScanError

* GH-611: replace Errors into panics inside scan_finished() of all the Scanners

* GH-611: modify tests for Scanners to assert whether scan_finished() stops the scan

* GH-611: add logging when scan has ended

* GH-611: fix test for the periodical scanning of Payable Scanner

* GH-611: use ScannerMock for testing periodical scanning for payables

* GH-611: fix test for the periodical scanning of receivables and deliquencies

* GH-611: fix test for periodical scanning for pending payables

* GH-611: rename the fn name for stopping the system inside ScannerMock

* GH-611: remove import warnings

* GH-611: improve the implementation of ScannerMock

* GH-611: end the scan in case begin_scan() returns an error of nothing to process

* GH-611: refactor begin_scan() for Receivable Scanner

* GH-611: remove an obsolete assert realted to threshold tools

* GH-611: fix the test pending_transaction_is_registered_and_monitored_until_it_gets_confirmed_or_canceled()

* GH-611: refactor

* GH-611: use default implementation of PaymentThresholds

* GH-611: migrate the test utility functions of to accountant/

* GH-611: remove BannedDao and PaymentThresholds as a field of Accountant

* GH-611: implement scan_finished() for ScannerMock

* GH-611: remove multiple occurences of BannedDao inside tests of accountant/

* GH-611: rename scan_finished() to finish_scan()

* GH-611: remove the file .idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml from git tracking

* remove rustup check + added rust version override

* Update ci-matrix.yml

* GH-611: use OffsetDateTime in the

* GH-611: reorder items in the src/accountant/

* GH-611: rename the file to

* GH-611: remove redundant code

* GH-611: reorder ReportTransactionReceipts

* GH-611: add Eq to the PendingTransactionStatus

* GH-611: remove warnings

* GH-611: Trigger GitHub Actions

* Rust version hotfix (#179) (#182)

* remove rustup check + added rust version override

* Update ci-matrix.yml

* GH-611: fix handling the message with empty vector for PendingPayables

* GH-611: clone migrator_config instead of using take() on Option<T>

* GH-611: fix test masq_erc20_contract_exists_on_ethereum_ropsten_integration

* GH-611: consistently pass DAOs inside Accountant and Scanners

* GH-611: Review 1 (#209)

* GH-611: refactor the Accountant's constructor

* GH-611: remove contract test for eth ropsten

* GH-611: rename function names that handles scan requests

* GH-611: rename message to scan_message

* GH-611: remove the eprintln!() from the production code

* GH-611: use response_skeleton to geneate logs in different severity

* GH-611: remove code duplication in the handling of scan requests

* GH-611: simplify the financial_statistics

* GH-611: refactor test scan_request_from_ui_is_handled_in_case_the_scan_is_already_running()

* GH-611: Add the ability to log complete tx hash

* GH-611: refactor test accountant_receives_new_payments_to_the_receivables_dao()

* GH-611: refactor accountant_scans_after_startup()

* GH-611: minor test improments related to duration and begin_scan_params

* GH-611: strengthen the test start_message_triggers_no_scans_in_suppress_mode()

* GH-611: minor improvements in tests and renames

* GH-611: remove duration from the test accountant_does_not_initiate_another_scan_in_case_it_receives_the_message_and_the_scanner_is_running()

* GH-611: log full hash

* GH-611: remove the contract test for ropsten

* GH-611: rename make_scan_intervals_with_defaults() to default_scan_intervals()

* GH-611: use a default implementation for the default scan intervals

* GH-611: stop using a mutable reference of BootstrapperConfig to build Accountant

* GH-611: rename test in

* GH-611: finish review changes for

* GH-611: change the log when receivable scanner no new payments from the blockchain bridge

* GH-611: change the error message when the scan_finished() is called but the timestamp is not found.

* GH-611: working on refactoring the mark_as_ended()

* GH-611: write a common function for updating the timestamp when a scan is ended.

* GH-611: rename function names and add function names in the panic messages for the NullScanner

* GH-611: strengthen the test scanners_struct_can_be_constructed_with_the_respective_scanners()

* GH-611: improve test payable_scanner_can_initiate_a_scan()

* GH-611: minor changes in the

* GH-611: change the way we log NothingToProcess error

* GH-611: strengthen the test receivable_scanner_scans_for_delinquencies()

* GH-611: improve test for handle_none_status()

* GH-611: remove the pub keyword from multiple functions inside the impl block of BeginScanError

* GH-611: review changes for

* GH-611: use builder approach to build the scanners for tests

* GH-611: remove the wrapper of migrator_config (risky)

* GH-611: remove the wrapper from the when_pending_too_long (risky)

* GH-611: put the mistakenly removed contract test back

* GH-611: remove some unnecessary comments

* GH-611: make the suppress_initial_scans flag just a boolean rather than wrapping

* GH-611: minor remaining code changes

* GH-611: Review 2 (#217)

* GH-611: rename the function names again

* GH-611: rename the field to when_pending_too_long_sec

* GH-611: refactor test scan_request_from_ui_is_handled_in_case_the_scan_is_already_running

* GH-611: use use_logs_containing inside the test periodical_scanning_for_receivables_and_delinquencies_works

* GH-611: change the scan intervals back to their unique values

* GH-611: improve timestamp_as_string function in

* GH-611: rename the function to remove_timestamp_and_log

* GH-611: migrate remove_timestamp_and_log to ScannerCommon

* GH-611: change to exists_log_containing

* GH-611: refactor handle_error() and remove log() inside BeginScanError

* GH-611: use macro to remove code duplication in

* GH-611: remove unnecessary modifications

* GH-611: use the best practices of builder pattern for the individual scanner mocks

* GH-611: refactor the constructor of Accountant

* GH-611: rename the tests in

* GH-611: remove take() from the constructor of Accountant

* GH-611: use just borrow for financial statistics

* GH-611: remove the test that was testing panic

* GH-611: remove assertions from the test start_message_triggers_no_scans_in_suppress_mode

* GH 611: Review 3 (#220)

* GH-611: remove the clone from the earning wallet iniside the Accountant's constructor

* GH-611: rename the function to simply remove_timestamp()

* GH-611: remove clone from the payment_thresholds

* GH-611: change the test_name variable in tests for remove_timestamp

* GH-611: rearrangement after the merge is practically done; 6 tests remains to be suspicious and will need to be examined for duplication or their utility.

* GH-611: renaming file and modules to be more consistent (utils fits to file names around); also refactoring investigate_debt_extremes

* GH-611: tests finally passing; next some refactoring

* GH-611: todosudo chown -R bert:bert target are gone

* GH-611: remove clippy warnings

* GH-611: refactored AccountantBuilder to require fewer method calls for injecting individual mock DAOs

* GH-611: the best I could do now for Utkarshe's review; let's consider that completed from my part

* GH-611: bump the version from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1

* GH-611: change response_skeleton to response_skeleton_opt in ScanError

* GH-611: send ScanError message to the Accountant when response_skeleton_opt is None

* GH-611: end scan once a ScanError message is received

* GH-611: assert on each case for handling scan error

* GH-611: remove todos

* GH-611: modify AccountantBuilder to accept logger

* GH-611: rename the variable from is_scan_running to scan_started_at_opt

* GH-611: remove unnecessary assertions from the helper fn assert_scan_error_is_handled_properly

Co-authored-by: Dan Wiebe <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: FinsaasGH <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bert <[email protected]>
4 people authored Jan 24, 2023
1 parent df80ad7 commit e3810c1
Showing 28 changed files with 4,903 additions and 3,336 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@

### Node
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion automap/Cargo.lock

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions dns_utility/Cargo.lock

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion dns_utility/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "dns_utility"
version = "0.7.0"
version = "0.7.1"
license = "GPL-3.0-only"
authors = ["Dan Wiebe <[email protected]>", "MASQ"]
copyright = "Copyright (c) 2019, MASQ ( and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion masq/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "masq"
version = "0.7.0"
version = "0.7.1"
authors = ["Dan Wiebe <[email protected]>", "MASQ"]
license = "GPL-3.0-only"
copyright = "Copyright (c) 2019, MASQ ( and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion masq_lib/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "masq_lib"
version = "0.7.0"
version = "0.7.1"
authors = ["Dan Wiebe <[email protected]>", "MASQ"]
license = "GPL-3.0-only"
copyright = "Copyright (c) 2019, MASQ ( and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion masq_lib/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ use time::format_description::parse;
use time::OffsetDateTime;

const UI_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL: Level = Level::Info;
pub const TIME_FORMATTING_STRING: &str =
"[year]-[month]-[day] [hour]:[minute]:[second].[subsecond digits:3]";

lazy_static! {
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion multinode_integration_tests/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "multinode_integration_tests"
version = "0.7.0"
version = "0.7.1"
authors = ["Dan Wiebe <[email protected]>", "MASQ"]
license = "GPL-3.0-only"
copyright = "Copyright (c) 2019, MASQ ( and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions node/Cargo.lock

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion node/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "node"
version = "0.7.0"
version = "0.7.1"
license = "GPL-3.0-only"
authors = ["Dan Wiebe <[email protected]>", "MASQ"]
copyright = "Copyright (c) 2019, MASQ ( and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."

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