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MP-Opt-Model 4.0

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@rdzman rdzman released this 19 Oct 02:52
· 104 commits to master since this release


What's New in MP-Opt-Model 4.0

Released October 18, 2021

Below is a summary of the changes since version 3.0 of MP-Opt-Model. See
the file for all the gory details. For release notes
for previous versions, see Appendix C of the MP-Opt-Model User's

New Features

  • Support for new class of problems -- parameterized nonlinear equations
    (PNE). Either create a model with only equality constraints (no
    inequalities or costs) and with number of variables equal to 1 more than
    number of constraints, or call pnes_master() directly. See Section 4.5
    of User's Manual for details.
    Thanks to Shrirang Abhyankar and Alexander Flueck for contributions to this
    feature, which is based on the continuation power flow code in MATPOWER 7.1.
    • Predictor/corrector numerical continuation method for tracing solution
      curves for PNE problems.
    • Plotting of solution curves.
    • User-defined event functions and callback functions.
    • Warm-start capabilities.
  • Optional threshold for detecting failure of LEQ solve, by setting the
    leq_opt.thresh option. If the absolute value of any element of the
    solution vector exceeds the threshold, exitflag is set to 0, indicating
  • New functions:
    • pnes_master() provides unified interface for parameterized nonlinear
      equation (PNE) solvers.
    • pne_callback_default() collects PNE results and optionally plots
      solution curve.
    • pne_callback_nose() handles event signaling a nose point or limit
      has been reached.
    • pne_callback_target_lam() handles event signaling a target value
      of parameter λ has been reached.
    • pne_detect_events() detects events from event function values.
    • pne_detected_event() returns detected event details for events
      with a particular name.
    • pne_event_nose() detects the limit or nose point.
    • pne_event_target_lam() detects a target λ value.
    • pne_pfcn_arc_length() implements arc length parameterization.
    • pne_pfcn_natural() implements natural parameterization.
    • pne_pfcn_pseudo_arc_length() implements pseudo arc length
    • pne_register_callbacks() registers callback functions.
    • pne_register_events() registers event functions.
    • mp_idx_manager/set_type_idx_map() method returns information about
      mapping of indices for a given set type back to the corresponding
      named (and possibly indexed) sets.
    • mpopt2pneopt() creates or modifies an options struct for
      pnes_master() from a MATPOWER options struct.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Calling the problem_type() or is_mixed_integer() method on an empty
    model no longer causes a fatal error.

Other Changes

  • Labels from the set_types property are now used as headers for
    opt_model/display() to simplify things facilitate use by sub-classes.
  • Refactored describe_idx into a new method, set_type_idx_map, that
    returns in information in a programmatically usable form, and an updated
    describe_idx that calls the new method, then formats the results in
    the expected char array(s).