A Telegram bot designed to verify Crunchyroll accounts.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/MAYKELL07/TelegramBot-Cruncyroll.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd TelegramBot-Cruncyroll
Install the required dependencies:
npm install
Start the bot:
npm start
Interact with the bot on Telegram.
Bot Token: Ensure you replace the placeholder token in main.ts with your actual bot token.
ESLint Configuration: The project uses ESLint for linting. Configuration can be found in .eslintrc.js.
Prettier Configuration: The project uses Prettier for code formatting. Configuration can be found in .prettierrc.
NestJS: The bot is built using NestJS. Configuration for Nest CLI can be found in nest-cli.json.
TypeScript Configuration: The project is written in TypeScript. Configuration can be found in tsconfig.json and tsconfig.build.json.
Unit Tests: Unit tests for the tasks service can be found in tasks.service.spec.ts and for the tasks controller in tasks.controller.spec.ts.
End-to-End Tests: E2E tests can be found in app.e2e-spec.ts.
Jest Configuration: The project uses Jest for testing. Configuration can be found in jest-e2e.json.
Contributions are welcome! Please ensure you follow the coding standards set by ESLint and Prettier.
Note: Ensure you keep sensitive information like bot tokens private and not hardcoded in the repository for security reasons.