This repository hosts a project to achieve during my training
This script was created on Python 3.9 and use the Django framework in its 3.1.5 version. It also use django rest framework v3.12.2
The purpose of this repository is to deliver an api for an issue tracking system.
You can use external request or website UI to explore data.
Download the files in the directories of your choice
Go to the directory where you downloaded files and run this command on your terminal:
python3 -m venv env
Then, initialize it :
On Windows, run:
On Unix or MacOS, run:
source env/bin/activate
For more information, refer to the documentation :
Still on you terminal, with the environment activated, run the following command to install the required libraries
pip install -r requirements
Go to the litreview/ repository and start the server using command:
python runserver
Server is now running on
In order to use the API, you have to create an account using a POST request or django rest framework UI:
Those fields are required: +first_name +last-name +email +password
From UI, go to
Sending a POST request to with fields 'email' and 'password' --> You will receive a token you have to send in every request <--
Api documentation is available here: