Releases: MEGA65/mega65-user-guide
Release 2.0.0: MEGA65 User's Guide, 2nd edition
This release tag marks the MEGA65 User's Guide, 2nd edition, to be used for our second print run (batch #3, mid-2024). It includes all of the User's Guide changes made since the first printing in 2021.
Many changes have since been made to the other books, also behind this tag. The other books have not been "released" or printed yet: they are being updated continuously.
Release 1.0.0 - We've gone to print!
This release marks the first release of the MEGA65 literature, particularly the User Guide. The PDF has been built using this release and has gone to print.
These manuals will be shipped with the first MEGA65 machines.
What's Changed
- Update assembler section by @mlund in #144
- Correct SPRPTR16 example by @steph72 in #145
- corrects BSAVE syntax by @steph72 in #156
- Fix small typo (remove extra word) by @MJoergen in #165
- Borders cropped from the Getting Started screenshots. by @sausagejohnson in #167
- added Vivado troubleshooting appendix by @seanm241 in #169
- Unit test support documentation by @steph72 in #170
- #172: Addressed broken links to bitstream.7z and fileset.7z by @gurcei in #173
- #168: Add Amok's "Install Vivado" steps by @gurcei in #174
- #175: Merge in Amok's 'Nexys - Booting from an SD card' document by @gurcei in #183
- #184: Merge in Amok's remaining docs and other refinements by @gurcei in #186
- Went over the setting up tex file and cleaned it up. by @Impakt in #188
- Add guide to troubleshooting -lncurses error by @eich0017 in #171
- Introduction grammar by @Impakt in #189
- Getting started grammar by @Impakt in #190
- changed spelling from adaptor to adapter by @Impakt in #191
- touched up the screen editor a little and made it a bit more descriptive by @Impakt in #194
- Grouped shortcuts into logical groups by @gurcei in #245
- play cmd by @gurcei in #246
- Configuration Chapter Updates by @stevencombs in #146
- Update appendix-viciv-registers.tex by @bubbob42 in #195
- Setting up proof read by @Impakt in #197
- Configuring proof read by @Impakt in #198
- Modes proof read by @Impakt in #199
- more verbose version of the basic program, using more basic features by @lydon42 in #249
- Fix of multi-colour sprite example (VIC appendix) by @lydon42 in #252
- cores and flashing proof read by @Impakt in #255
- Screen editor typo by @Impakt in #256
- Replaced programme with program by @Impakt in #258
- Proof read of basic 65 from lines 1 - 1000 by @Impakt in #260
- Cores and flashing fixes (again) by @Impakt in #264
- Proof read of basic 65 from lines 1000 - 2000. by @Impakt in #262
- went over the start of the manual and tidied it up a little by @Impakt in #265
- Added Style guide to MEGA65 users manual GitHub by @Impakt in #267
- Appendix basic65 part3 proof read by @Impakt in #269
- Standardise bit wording by @Impakt in #270
- Basic65 prood read part iv by @Impakt in #271
- instead of using
for ranges, use - by @Impakt in #272 - #273 fix colour table in screen command by @Impakt in #274
- 273 fix colour table references by @Impakt in #275
- Basic65 proof read part v by @Impakt in #276
- reuse wide parameter dir listing by @Impakt in #277
- basic 65 appendix proof read part VI by @Impakt in #279
- basic 65 proof read part vii by @Impakt in #280
- Basic65 proof read part viii by @Impakt in #281
- add apache config for urls that the manual will reference by @Impakt in #282
- petscii appendix proof read by @Impakt in #283
- Basic65 proof read part ix by @Impakt in #284
- Update appendix-memorymap.tex by @mindrail in #285
- Update by @Tron64 in #286
- Change tab name from "File" to "Files" to reflect actual tab name on filehost by @mindrail in #287
- Added a list of 'model-types' (and other refinements) by @gurcei in #288
- attempt at standardising terminology of lfn and channel by @Impakt in #291
- Basic65 proof read part x by @Impakt in #292
- Update screen-editor.tex - fixed spelling mistake. vom to from. by @mindrail in #295
- Basic65 basic proof read xi by @Impakt in #293
- Megakey-4 is dark gray, not green. by @mindrail in #297
- Basic65 basic proof read xii by @Impakt in #298
- basic65 touch up by @Impakt in #299
- Update modes.tex by @everslick in #301
- Proof Read Second Pass Chapters 1-3 by @Impakt in #300
- Chapter 4 proof read by @Impakt in #303
- Make Multicolor Sprite example work in c64 mode again by @lydon42 in #304
- Initial Content for the Graphics Chapter, should serve as a starting … by @mteufel in #305
- Fix incorrect English in graphics.tex by @johnwayner in #310
- Fix MEAG65 typo. by @johnwayner in #313
- #312 Use consistent spelling for half byte by @Impakt in #314
- Update appendix-dmagic.tex by @GeorgRottensteiner in #318
- MemoryMap: Fix $D000-$DFFF IO Personalities table last footer cutoff by @johnwayner in #311
- Chapter 5 proof read, and fixed some inconsistencies by @Impakt in #319
- Patch 1 - Core, Screen and style guide - 4 typos including code example by @mindrail in #321
- Standardised bits and bytes a little more by @Impakt in #322
- Chapter 6 proof read second pass by @Impakt in #323
- Fix typo in style guide by @Impakt in #326
- Rename kernel to kernal by @Impakt in #327
- removed comma that breaks code in examples by @mindrail in #328
- Use o with umlaut for name by @woepaul in #341
- Mentioning of Matrix Mode Debugger should refer to MEGA65 Book by @woepaul in #342
- Chapter 7 proof read 2 by @Impakt in #329
- Basic 65 proof read sweep 2 by @Impakt in #343
- remove redundant appendices pages by @Impakt in #344
- Updated docs in relation to the new colours by @gurcei in #345
- Improve screenshots for configuring section by @Impakt in #349
- Documented how to mount D81 images by @Impakt in #346
- Update appendix-45gs02-registers.tex by @polluks in #351
- Basic 65 toc fixes by @Impakt in #352
- toc fix by @Impakt in #355
- Fix mixed up order of "Click ...' instructions. by @everslick in #354
- Improved core-boot-process flowchart and refined wording/explanations by @gurcei in #357
- Add note for missing lib on Ubuntu. by @everslick in https://...
Snapshot 15 January 2021
These manuals are INCOMPLETE and WORKS IN PROGRESS, and many are missing one or more important chapters.
The manuals at the current time are as follows.
Except where noted, they are intended for eventual printing in lay-flat ring-bound format.
MEGA65 User's Guide - General introduction to the MEGA65, and will evolve into the book that comes with the MEGA65 production units.
MEGA65 BASIC 10 Reference - A comprehensive reference guide to Commodore's BASIC 10. Applies to the C65 and the MEGA65 when running in C65 mode.
MEGA65 Developer Guide - This book provides an introduction to developing for the MEGA65, including cross-development in assembly language, C and BASIC.
MEGA65 Chipset Reference - This book provides detailed information on the MEGA65's custom chips, including the VIC-IV video controller, 45GS02 CPU and 45E100 ethernet controller.
The MEGA65 Book - All of the above combined into a single huge tome of information about the MEGA65. This is not intended for printing, but for online use, to save you having to switch between the various books.
Notable differences to the previous release:
- Index now contains entries for all documented registers, in both hex and decimal.
- The floppy controller and SD card controller now have initial documentation.
- Many small changes.
Snapshot 15 September 2020
Initial snap-shot of the MEGA65 documentation.
These manuals are INCOMPLETE and WORKS IN PROGRESS, and many are missing one or more important chapters.
Our goal is to release updated snap-shots semi-regularly, to provide easy access to the documentation.
The manuals at the current time are as follows.
Except where noted, they are intended for eventual printing in lay-flat ring-bound format.
MEGA65 User's Guide - General introduction to the MEGA65, and will evolve into the book that comes with the MEGA65 production units.
MEGA65 BASIC 10 Reference - A comprehensive reference guide to Commodore's BASIC 10. Applies to the C65 and the MEGA65 when running in C65 mode.
MEGA65 Developer Guide - This book provides an introduction to developing for the MEGA65, including cross-development in assembly language, C and BASIC.
MEGA65 Chipset Reference - This book provides detailed information on the MEGA65's custom chips, including the VIC-IV video controller, 45GS02 CPU and 45E100 ethernet controller.
The MEGA65 Book - All of the above combined into a single huge tome of information about the MEGA65. This is not intended for printing, but for online use, to save you having to switch between the various books.