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Moved to Pester framework
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The size and complexity becoming increasingly harder to manage so I decided to move the the Pester framework (
This will allow me to make aoutmated tests and make sure that I have a working version when building the module. you might wanna check it out yourself :)
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Ioan Popovici committed Feb 1, 2018
1 parent 5acb6f6 commit 7a40dcb
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Showing 37 changed files with 3,842 additions and 3,714 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Help/
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# PSWmiToolkit Help
265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions Internal/Function Write-Log.ps1
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#region Function Write-Log
Function Write-Log {
Write messages to a log file in CMTrace.exe compatible format or Legacy text file format.
Write messages to a log file in CMTrace.exe compatible format or Legacy text file format and optionally display in the console.
The message to write to the log file or output to the console.
Defines message type. When writing to console or CMTrace.exe log format, it allows highlighting of message type.
Options: 1 = Information (default), 2 = Warning (highlighted in yellow), 3 = Error (highlighted in red)
The source of the message being logged.
.PARAMETER ScriptSection
The heading for the portion of the script that is being executed. Default is: $script:installPhase.
Choose whether to write a CMTrace.exe compatible log file or a Legacy text log file.
.PARAMETER LogFileDirectory
Set the directory where the log file will be saved.
Default is %WINDIR%\Logs\WmiToolkit.
Set the name of the log file.
Maximum file size limit for log file in megabytes (MB). Default is 10 MB.
Write the log message to the console.
.PARAMETER ContinueOnError
Suppress writing log message to console on failure to write message to log file. Default is: $true.
Return the message that was passed to the function
.PARAMETER DebugMessage
Specifies that the message is a debug message. Debug messages only get logged if -LogDebugMessage is set to $true.
.PARAMETER LogDebugMessage
Debug messages only get logged if this parameter is set to $true in the config XML file.
Write-Log -Message "Installing patch MS15-031" -Source 'Add-Patch' -LogType 'CMTrace'
Write-Log -Message "Script is running on Windows 8" -Source 'Test-ValidOS' -LogType 'Legacy'
Param (
[int16]$Severity = 1,
[string]$Source = '',
[string]$ScriptSection = '',
[string]$LogType = 'Legacy',
[string]$LogFileDirectory = $(Join-Path -Path $Env:windir -ChildPath "\Logs\WmiToolkit"),
[string]$LogFileName = 'WmiTool.log',
[decimal]$MaxLogFileSizeMB = '5',
[boolean]$WriteHost = $true,
[boolean]$ContinueOnError = $true,
[switch]$PassThru = $false,
[switch]$DebugMessage = $false,
[boolean]$LogDebugMessage = $true

Begin {
## Get the name of this function
[string]${CmdletName} = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

## Logging Variables
# Log file date/time
[string]$LogTime = (Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss.fff').ToString()
[string]$LogDate = (Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy').ToString()
If (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath 'variable:LogTimeZoneBias')) { [int32]$script:LogTimeZoneBias = [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset([datetime]::Now).TotalMinutes }
[string]$LogTimePlusBias = $LogTime + $script:LogTimeZoneBias
# Initialize variables
[boolean]$ExitLoggingFunction = $false
If (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath 'variable:DisableLogging')) { $DisableLogging = $false }
# Check if the script section is defined
[boolean]$ScriptSectionDefined = [boolean](-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ScriptSection))
# Get the file name of the source script
Try {
If ($script:MyInvocation.Value.ScriptName) {
[string]$ScriptSource = Split-Path -Path $script:MyInvocation.Value.ScriptName -Leaf -ErrorAction 'Stop'
Else {
[string]$ScriptSource = Split-Path -Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Leaf -ErrorAction 'Stop'
Catch {
$ScriptSource = ''

## Create script block for generating CMTrace.exe compatible log entry
[scriptblock]$CMTraceLogString = {
Param (
"<![LOG[$lMessage]LOG]!>" + "<time=`"$LogTimePlusBias`" " + "date=`"$LogDate`" " + "component=`"$lSource`" " + "context=`"$([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name)`" " + "type=`"$lSeverity`" " + "thread=`"$PID`" " + "file=`"$ScriptSource`">"

## Create script block for writing log entry to the console
[scriptblock]$WriteLogLineToHost = {
Param (
If ($WriteHost) {
# Only output using color options if running in a host which supports colors.
If ($Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor) {
Switch ($lSeverity) {
3 { Write-Host -Object $lTextLogLine -ForegroundColor 'Red' -BackgroundColor 'Black' }
2 { Write-Host -Object $lTextLogLine -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' -BackgroundColor 'Black' }
1 { Write-Host -Object $lTextLogLine }
# If executing "powershell.exe -File <filename>.ps1 > log.txt", then all the Write-Host calls are converted to Write-Output calls so that they are included in the text log.
Else {
Write-Output -InputObject $lTextLogLine

## Exit function if it is a debug message and logging debug messages is not enabled in the config XML file
If (($DebugMessage) -and (-not $LogDebugMessage)) { [boolean]$ExitLoggingFunction = $true; Return }
## Exit function if logging to file is disabled and logging to console host is disabled
If (($DisableLogging) -and (-not $WriteHost)) { [boolean]$ExitLoggingFunction = $true; Return }
## Exit Begin block if logging is disabled
If ($DisableLogging) { Return }
## Exit function function if it is an [Initialization] message and the toolkit has been relaunched
If ($ScriptSection -eq 'Initialization') { [boolean]$ExitLoggingFunction = $true; Return }

## Create the directory where the log file will be saved
If (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $LogFileDirectory -PathType 'Container')) {
Try {
$null = New-Item -Path $LogFileDirectory -Type 'Directory' -Force -ErrorAction 'Stop'
Catch {
[boolean]$ExitLoggingFunction = $true
# If error creating directory, write message to console
If (-not $ContinueOnError) {
Write-Host -Object "[$LogDate $LogTime] [${CmdletName}] $ScriptSection :: Failed to create the log directory [$LogFileDirectory]. `n$(Resolve-Error)" -ForegroundColor 'Red'

## Assemble the fully qualified path to the log file
[string]$LogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $LogFileDirectory -ChildPath $LogFileName
Process {
## Exit function if logging is disabled
If ($ExitLoggingFunction) { Return }

ForEach ($Msg in $Message) {
## If the message is not $null or empty, create the log entry for the different logging methods
[string]$CMTraceMsg = ''
[string]$ConsoleLogLine = ''
[string]$LegacyTextLogLine = ''
If ($Msg) {
# Create the CMTrace log message
If ($ScriptSectionDefined) { [string]$CMTraceMsg = "[$ScriptSection] :: $Msg" }

# Create a Console and Legacy "text" log entry
[string]$LegacyMsg = "[$LogDate $LogTime]"
If ($ScriptSectionDefined) { [string]$LegacyMsg += " [$ScriptSection]" }
If ($Source) {
[string]$ConsoleLogLine = "$LegacyMsg [$Source] :: $Msg"
Switch ($Severity) {
3 { [string]$LegacyTextLogLine = "$LegacyMsg [$Source] [Error] :: $Msg" }
2 { [string]$LegacyTextLogLine = "$LegacyMsg [$Source] [Warning] :: $Msg" }
1 { [string]$LegacyTextLogLine = "$LegacyMsg [$Source] [Info] :: $Msg" }
Else {
[string]$ConsoleLogLine = "$LegacyMsg :: $Msg"
Switch ($Severity) {
3 { [string]$LegacyTextLogLine = "$LegacyMsg [Error] :: $Msg" }
2 { [string]$LegacyTextLogLine = "$LegacyMsg [Warning] :: $Msg" }
1 { [string]$LegacyTextLogLine = "$LegacyMsg [Info] :: $Msg" }

## Execute script block to create the CMTrace.exe compatible log entry
[string]$CMTraceLogLine = & $CMTraceLogString -lMessage $CMTraceMsg -lSource $Source -lSeverity $Severity

## Choose which log type to write to file
If ($LogType -ieq 'CMTrace') {
[string]$LogLine = $CMTraceLogLine
Else {
[string]$LogLine = $LegacyTextLogLine

## Write the log entry to the log file if logging is not currently disabled
If (-not $DisableLogging) {
Try {
$LogLine | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath -Append -NoClobber -Force -Encoding 'UTF8' -ErrorAction 'Stop'
Catch {
If (-not $ContinueOnError) {
Write-Host -Object "[$LogDate $LogTime] [$ScriptSection] [${CmdletName}] :: Failed to write message [$Msg] to the log file [$LogFilePath]. `n$(Resolve-Error)" -ForegroundColor 'Red'

## Execute script block to write the log entry to the console if $WriteHost is $true
& $WriteLogLineToHost -lTextLogLine $ConsoleLogLine -lSeverity $Severity
End {
## Archive log file if size is greater than $MaxLogFileSizeMB and $MaxLogFileSizeMB > 0
Try {
If ((-not $ExitLoggingFunction) -and (-not $DisableLogging)) {
[IO.FileInfo]$LogFile = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $LogFilePath -ErrorAction 'Stop'
[decimal]$LogFileSizeMB = $LogFile.Length/1MB
If (($LogFileSizeMB -gt $MaxLogFileSizeMB) -and ($MaxLogFileSizeMB -gt 0)) {
## Change the file extension to "lo_"
[string]$ArchivedOutLogFile = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($LogFilePath, 'lo_')
[hashtable]$ArchiveLogParams = @{ ScriptSection = $ScriptSection; Source = ${CmdletName}; Severity = 2; LogFileDirectory = $LogFileDirectory; LogFileName = $LogFileName; LogType = $LogType; MaxLogFileSizeMB = 0; WriteHost = $WriteHost; ContinueOnError = $ContinueOnError; PassThru = $false }

## Log message about archiving the log file
$ArchiveLogMessage = "Maximum log file size [$MaxLogFileSizeMB MB] reached. Rename log file to [$ArchivedOutLogFile]."
Write-Log -Message $ArchiveLogMessage @ArchiveLogParams

## Archive existing log file from <filename>.log to <filename>.lo_. Overwrites any existing <filename>.lo_ file. This is the same method SCCM uses for log files.
Move-Item -LiteralPath $LogFilePath -Destination $ArchivedOutLogFile -Force -ErrorAction 'Stop'

## Start new log file and Log message about archiving the old log file
$NewLogMessage = "Previous log file was renamed to [$ArchivedOutLogFile] because maximum log file size of [$MaxLogFileSizeMB MB] was reached."
Write-Log -Message $NewLogMessage @ArchiveLogParams
Catch {
## If renaming of file fails, script will continue writing to log file even if size goes over the max file size
Finally {
If ($PassThru) { Write-Output -InputObject $Message }
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions Internal/Get-WmiNamespaceRecursive.ps1
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#region Function Get-WmiNameSpaceRecursive
Function Get-WmiNamespaceRecursive {
This function is used to get wmi namespaces recursively.
This function is used to get wmi namespaces recursively and return a custom object.
As this is a recursive function it will run multiple times so you might want to assign it to a variable for sorting.
You also might want to disable logging when running this function.
.PARAMETER NamespaceRoot
Specifies the root namespace path from which to start searching.
Get-WmiNamespaceRecursive -NameSpace 'ROOT\SCCM'
This is a private module function and should not typically be called directly.
WMI Management
Param (

Begin {
## Initialize/Reset resutl object
[PSCustomObject]$GetNamespaceRecursive = @()
Process {
Try {

## Get all namespaces in the current root namespace
$Namespaces = Get-WmiNameSpace -Namespace "$NamespaceRoot" -List -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

## Search in the current namespace for other namespaces
ForEach ($Namespace in $Namespaces) {

# Assemble the result object
$GetNamespaceRecursive += [PsCustomObject]@{
Name = $Namespace.Name
Path = $Namespace.Path
FullName = $Namespace.FullName

# Call the function again for the next namespace
Get-WmiNamespaceRecursive -Namespace $Namespace.FullName
Catch {
Write-Log -Message "Failed to retrieve wmi namespace [$NamespaceRoot] recursively. `n$(Resolve-Error)" -Severity 3 -Source ${CmdletName}
End {
Write-Output -InputObject $GetNamespaceRecursive

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