MISP galaxy is a simple method to express a large object called cluster that can be attached to MISP events or attributes. A cluster can be composed of one or more elements. Elements are expressed as key-values. There are default knowledge base (such as Threat Actors, Tools, Ransomware, ATT&CK matrixes) available in MISP galaxy but those can be overwritten, replaced, updated, forked and shared as you wish.
Existing clusters and vocabularies can be used as-is or as a common knowledge base. MISP distribution can be applied to each cluster to permit a limited or broader distribution scheme.
Galaxies can be also used to expressed existing matrix-like standards such as MITRE ATT&CK(tm) or custom ones.
The objective is to have a comment set of clusters for organizations starting analysis but that can be expanded to localized information (which is not shared) or additional information (that can be shared).
360.net Threat Actors - Known or estimated adversary groups as identified by 360.net.
Category: actor - source: https://apt.360.net/aptlist - total: 42 elements
Ammunitions - Common ammunitions galaxy
Category: firearm - source: https://ammo.com/ - total: 409 elements
Android - Android malware galaxy based on multiple open sources.
Category: tool - source: Open Sources - total: 433 elements
Azure Threat Research Matrix - The purpose of the Azure Threat Research Matrix (ATRM) is to educate readers on the potential of Azure-based tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). It is not to teach how to weaponize or specifically abuse them. For this reason, some specific commands will be obfuscated or parts will be omitted to prevent abuse.
Category: atrm - source: https://github.com/microsoft/Azure-Threat-Research-Matrix - total: 90 elements
attck4fraud - attck4fraud - Principles of MITRE ATT&CK in the fraud domain
Category: guidelines - source: Open Sources - total: 71 elements
Backdoor - A list of backdoor malware.
Category: tool - source: Open Sources - total: 29 elements
Banker - A list of banker malware.
Category: tool - source: Open Sources - total: 53 elements
Bhadra Framework - Bhadra Threat Modeling Framework
Category: mobile - source: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.05110.pdf - total: 47 elements
Botnet - botnet galaxy
Category: tool - source: MISP Project - total: 132 elements
Branded Vulnerability - List of known vulnerabilities and attacks with a branding
Category: vulnerability - source: Open Sources - total: 14 elements
Cert EU GovSector - Cert EU GovSector
Category: sector - source: CERT-EU - total: 6 elements
China Defence Universities Tracker - The China Defence Universities Tracker is a database of Chinese institutions engaged in military or security-related science and technology research. It was created by ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre.
Category: academic-institution - source: ASPI International Cyber Policy Centre - total: 159 elements
CONCORDIA Mobile Modelling Framework - Attack Pattern - A list of Techniques in CONCORDIA Mobile Modelling Framework.
Category: cmtmf-attack-pattern - source: https://5g4iot.vlab.cs.hioa.no/ - total: 93 elements
Country - Country meta information based on the database provided by geonames.org.
Category: country - source: MISP Project - total: 252 elements
Cryptominers - A list of cryptominer and cryptojacker malware.
Category: Cryptominers - source: Open Source Intelligence - total: 5 elements
Actor Types - DISARM is a framework designed for describing and understanding disinformation incidents.
Category: disarm - source: https://github.com/DISARMFoundation/DISARMframeworks - total: 33 elements
Countermeasures - DISARM is a framework designed for describing and understanding disinformation incidents.
Category: disarm - source: https://github.com/DISARMFoundation/DISARMframeworks - total: 139 elements
Detections - DISARM is a framework designed for describing and understanding disinformation incidents.
Category: disarm - source: https://github.com/DISARMFoundation/DISARMframeworks - total: 94 elements
Techniques - DISARM is a framework designed for describing and understanding disinformation incidents.
Category: disarm - source: https://github.com/DISARMFoundation/DISARMframeworks - total: 298 elements
Election guidelines - Universal Development and Security Guidelines as Applicable to Election Technology.
Category: guidelines - source: Open Sources - total: 23 elements
Entity - Description of entities that can be involved in events.
Category: actor - source: MISP Project - total: 4 elements
Exploit-Kit - Exploit-Kit is an enumeration of some exploitation kits used by adversaries. The list includes document, browser and router exploit kits.It's not meant to be totally exhaustive but aim at covering the most seen in the past 5 years
Category: tool - source: MISP Project - total: 52 elements
Firearms - Common firearms galaxy
Category: firearm - source: https://www.impactguns.com - total: 5953 elements
FIRST CSIRT Services Framework - The Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) Services Framework is a high-level document describing in a structured way a collection of cyber security services and associated functions that Computer Security Incident Response Teams and other teams providing incident management related services may provide
Category: csirt - source: https://www.first.org/standards/frameworks/csirts/csirt_services_framework_v2.1 - total: 97 elements
FIRST DNS Abuse Techniques Matrix - The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical part of the Internet, including mapping domain names to IP addresses. Malicious threat actors use domain names, their corresponding technical resources, and other parts of the DNS infrastructure, including its protocols, for their malicious cyber operations. CERTs are confronted with reported DNS abuse on a continuous basis, and rely heavily on DNS analysis and infrastructure to protect their constituencies. Understanding the international customary norms applicable for detecting and mitigating DNS abuse from the perspective of the global incident response community is critical for the open Internet’s stability, security and resiliency. See also https://www.first.org/global/sigs/dns/ for more information.
Category: first-dns - source: https://www.first.org/global/sigs/dns/ - total: 21 elements
GSMA MoTIF - Mobile Threat Intelligence Framework (MoTIF) Principles.
Category: attack-pattern - source: https://www.gsma.com/solutions-and-impact/technologies/security/latest-news/establishing-motif-the-mobile-threat-intelligence-framework/ - total: 50 elements
Intelligence Agencies - List of intelligence agencies
Category: Intelligence Agencies - source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_intelligence_agencies - total: 436 elements
INTERPOL DWVA Taxonomy - This taxonomy defines common forms of abuses and entities that represent real-world actors and service that are part of a larger Darknet- and Cryptoasset Ecosystems.
Category: dwva - source: https://interpol-innovation-centre.github.io/DW-VA-Taxonomy/ - total: 94 elements
Malpedia - Malware galaxy cluster based on Malpedia.
Category: tool - source: Malpedia - total: 3260 elements
Microsoft Activity Group actor - Activity groups as described by Microsoft
Category: actor - source: MISP Project - total: 79 elements
Misinformation Pattern - AM!TT Technique
Category: misinformation-pattern - source: https://github.com/misinfosecproject/amitt_framework - total: 61 elements
MITRE ATLAS Attack Pattern - MITRE ATLAS Attack Pattern - Adversarial Threat Landscape for Artificial-Intelligence Systems
Category: attack-pattern - source: https://github.com/mitre-atlas/atlas-navigator-data - total: 91 elements
MITRE ATLAS Course of Action - MITRE ATLAS Mitigation - Adversarial Threat Landscape for Artificial-Intelligence Systems
Category: course-of-action - source: https://github.com/mitre-atlas/atlas-navigator-data - total: 26 elements
Attack Pattern - ATT&CK tactic
Category: attack-pattern - source: https://github.com/mitre/cti - total: 1160 elements
Course of Action - ATT&CK Mitigation
Category: course-of-action - source: https://github.com/mitre/cti - total: 282 elements
MITRE D3FEND - A knowledge graph of cybersecurity countermeasures.
Category: d3fend - source: https://d3fend.mitre.org/ - total: 171 elements
mitre-data-component - Data components are parts of data sources.
Category: data-component - source: https://github.com/mitre/cti - total: 117 elements
mitre-data-source - Data sources represent the various subjects/topics of information that can be collected by sensors/logs.
Category: data-source - source: https://github.com/mitre/cti - total: 40 elements
Assets - A list of asset categories that are commonly found in industrial control systems.
Category: asset - source: https://collaborate.mitre.org/attackics/index.php/All_Assets - total: 7 elements
Groups - Groups are sets of related intrusion activity that are tracked by a common name in the security community. Groups are also sometimes referred to as campaigns or intrusion sets. Some groups have multiple names associated with the same set of activities due to various organizations tracking the same set of activities by different names. Groups are mapped to publicly reported technique use and referenced in the ATT&CK for ICS knowledge base. Groups are also mapped to reported software used during intrusions.
Category: actor - source: https://collaborate.mitre.org/attackics/index.php/Groups - total: 10 elements
Levels - Based on the Purdue Model to aid ATT&CK for ICS users to understand which techniques are applicable to their environment.
Category: level - source: https://collaborate.mitre.org/attackics/index.php/All_Levels - total: 3 elements
Software - Software is a generic term for custom or commercial code, operating system utilities, open-source software, or other tools used to conduct behavior modeled in ATT&CK for ICS.
Category: tool - source: https://collaborate.mitre.org/attackics/index.php/Software - total: 17 elements
Tactics - A list of all 11 tactics in ATT&CK for ICS
Category: tactic - source: https://collaborate.mitre.org/attackics/index.php/All_Tactics - total: 9 elements
Techniques - A list of Techniques in ATT&CK for ICS.
Category: attack-pattern - source: https://collaborate.mitre.org/attackics/index.php/All_Techniques - total: 78 elements
Intrusion Set - Name of ATT&CK Group
Category: actor - source: https://github.com/mitre/cti - total: 176 elements
Malware - Name of ATT&CK software
Category: tool - source: https://github.com/mitre/cti - total: 735 elements
mitre-tool - Name of ATT&CK software
Category: tool - source: https://github.com/mitre/cti - total: 90 elements
NACE - version 2.1 - The Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, commonly referred to as NACE (for the French term "nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne"), is the industry standard classification system used in the European Union.
Category: sector - source: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/metadata/classifications - total: 1047 elements
NAICS - The North American Industry Classification System or NAICS is a classification of business establishments by type of economic activity (the process of production).
Category: sector - source: North American Industry Classification System - NAICS - total: 2125 elements
NATO - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental transnational military alliance of 32 member states—30 European and 2 North American. Established in the aftermath of World War II, the organization implements the North Atlantic Treaty, signed in Washington, D.C., on 4 April 1949. NATO is a collective security system: its independent member states agree to defend each other against attacks by third parties.
Category: actor - source: North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - total: 7 elements
NICE Competency areas - Competency areas based on the NIST NICE framework
Category: workforce - source: https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/sp/800/181/r1/final - total: 11 elements
NICE Knowledges - Knowledge based on the NIST NICE framework
Category: workforce - source: https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/sp/800/181/r1/final - total: 640 elements
OPM codes in cybersecurity - Office of Personnel Management codes in cybersecurity
Category: workforce - source: https://dw.opm.gov/datastandards/referenceData/2273/current - total: 52 elements
NICE Skills - Skills based on the NIST NICE framework
Category: workforce - source: https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/sp/800/181/r1/final - total: 556 elements
NICE Tasks - Tasks based on the NIST NICE framework
Category: workforce - source: https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/sp/800/181/r1/final - total: 1084 elements
NICE Work Roles - Work roles based on the NIST NICE framework
Category: workforce - source: https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/sp/800/181/r1/final - total: 52 elements
o365-exchange-techniques - o365-exchange-techniques - Office365/Exchange related techniques by @johnLaTwC and @inversecos
Category: guidelines - source: Open Sources, https://www.inversecos.com/2021/09/office365-attacks-bypassing-mfa.html - total: 62 elements
online-service - Known public online services.
Category: tool - source: Open Sources - total: 1 elements
Preventive Measure - Preventive measures based on the ransomware document overview as published in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TWS238xacAto-fLKh1n5uTsdijWdCEsGIM0Y0Hvmc5g/pubhtml# . The preventive measures are quite generic and can fit any standard Windows infrastructure and their security measures.
Category: measure - source: MISP Project - total: 20 elements
Producer - List of threat intelligence producer from security vendors to CERTs including any producer of intelligence at large.
Category: actor - source: MISP Project - total: 119 elements
Ransomware - Ransomware galaxy based on different sources and maintained by the MISP Project.
Category: tool - source: Various - total: 1875 elements
RAT - remote administration tool or remote access tool (RAT), also called sometimes remote access trojan, is a piece of software or programming that allows a remote "operator" to control a system as if they have physical access to that system.
Category: tool - source: MISP Project - total: 265 elements
Regions UN M49 - Regions based on UN M49.
Category: location - source: https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/overview/ - total: 32 elements
rsit - rsit
Category: rsit - source: https://github.com/enisaeu/Reference-Security-Incident-Taxonomy-Task-Force - total: 39 elements
Sector - Activity sectors
Category: sector - source: CERT-EU - total: 118 elements
Sigma-Rules - MISP galaxy cluster based on Sigma Rules.
Category: rules - source: https://github.com/jstnk9/MISP/tree/main/misp-galaxy/sigma - total: 2985 elements
Dark Patterns - Dark Patterns are user interface that tricks users into making decisions that benefit the interface's holder to the expense of the user.
Category: dark-patterns - source: CIRCL - total: 19 elements
SoD Matrix - SOD Matrix
Category: sod-matrix - source: https://github.com/cudeso/SoD-Matrix - total: 276 elements
Stealer - A list of malware stealer.
Category: tool - source: Open Sources - total: 16 elements
Surveillance Vendor - List of vendors selling surveillance technologies including malware, interception devices or computer exploitation services.
Category: actor - source: MISP Project - total: 50 elements
Target Information - Description of targets of threat actors.
Category: target - source: Various - total: 241 elements
TDS - TDS is a list of Traffic Direction System used by adversaries
Category: tool - source: MISP Project - total: 11 elements
Tea Matrix - Tea Matrix
Category: tea-matrix - source: ** - total: 7 elements
Threat Actor - Known or estimated adversary groups targeting organizations and employees. Adversary groups are regularly confused with their initial operation or campaign. threat-actor-classification meta can be used to clarify the understanding of the threat-actor if also considered as operation, campaign or activity group.
Category: actor - source: MISP Project - total: 819 elements
Tidal Campaigns - Tidal Campaigns Cluster
Category: Campaigns - source: https://app-api.tidalcyber.com/api/v1/campaigns/ - total: 102 elements
Tidal Groups - Tidal Groups Galaxy
Category: Threat Groups - source: https://app-api.tidalcyber.com/api/v1/groups/ - total: 224 elements
Tidal References - Tidal References Cluster
Category: References - source: https://app-api.tidalcyber.com/api/v1/references/ - total: 4627 elements
Tidal Software - Tidal Software Cluster
Category: Software - source: https://app-api.tidalcyber.com/api/v1/software/ - total: 1106 elements
Tidal Tactic - Tidal Tactic Cluster
Category: Tactic - source: https://app-api.tidalcyber.com/api/v1/tactic/ - total: 14 elements
Tidal Technique - Tidal Technique Cluster
Category: Technique - source: https://app-api.tidalcyber.com/api/v1/technique/ - total: 203 elements
Threat Matrix for storage services - Microsoft Defender for Cloud threat matrix for storage services contains attack tactics, techniques and mitigations relevant storage services delivered by cloud providers.
Category: tmss - source: https://github.com/microsoft/Threat-matrix-for-storage-services - total: 40 elements
Tool - threat-actor-tools is an enumeration of tools used by adversaries. The list includes malware but also common software regularly used by the adversaries.
Category: tool - source: MISP Project - total: 603 elements
UAVs/UCAVs - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles / Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles
Category: military equipment - source: Popular Mechanics - total: 36 elements
UKHSA Culture Collections - UK Health Security Agency Culture Collections represent deposits of cultures that consist of expertly preserved, authenticated cell lines and microbial strains of known provenance.
Category: virus - source: https://www.culturecollections.org.uk - total: 6638 elements
The misp-galaxy.org website provides an easily navigable resource for all MISP galaxy clusters.
A readable PDF overview of the MISP galaxy is available or HTML and generated from the JSON.
The MISP galaxy (JSON files) are dual-licensed under:
- CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) - Public Domain Dedication.
Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Alexandre Dulaunoy - [email protected]
Copyright (c) 2015-2024 CIRCL - Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg
Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Andras Iklody
Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Raphael Vinot
Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Deborah Servili
Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Various contributors to MISP Project
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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and/or other materials provided with the distribution.