New MLBlocks API
A new MLBlocks API and Primitive format.
This is a summary of the changes:
- Primitives JSONs and Python code has been moved to a different repository, called MLPrimitives
- Optional usage of multiple JSON primitive folders.
- JSON format has been changed to allow more flexibility and features:
- input and output arguments, as well as argument types, can be specified for each method
- both classes and function as primitives are supported
- multitype and conditional hyperparameters fully supported
- data modalities and primitive classifiers introduced
- metadata such as documentation, description and author fields added
- Parsers are removed, and now the MLBlock class is responsible for loading and reading the
JSON primitive. - Multiple blocks of the same primitive are supported within the same pipeline.
- Arbitrary inputs and outputs for both pipelines and blocks are allowed.
- Shared variables during pipeline execution, usable by multiple blocks.