During a one-month virtual internship, I engaged in hands-on Java programming, honing my skills and applying them to various projects. Below are the highlights of my internship:
Project 1: Number Game
Description: "Developed a number guessing game in Java, challenging players to guess a randomly generated number within a specified range."
Project 2: Student Grade Calculator
Description: "Java program for calculating student grades based on input scores and criteria."
Project 3: ATM Interface
Description: "An ATM interface implemented in Java, providing users with basic banking functionalities."
Project 4: Quiz Application
Description: "Quiz Application: A Java-based interactive program for taking quizzes with customizable questions and scoring."
Project 5: Student Course Registration System
Description: "Java-based student course registration system facilitating seamless enrollment and management."
These projects allowed me to strengthen my Java programming skills and gain practical experience in software development. Each project contributed to my growth as a developer and provided valuable insights into various aspects of Java programming.