Not the Office Again attempts to solve a very serious problem in my household and many others. Do you or someone you love have an addiction to The Office? Use Not the Office Again to break the cycle. Our Random Movie Generator returns movies featuring your favorite characters from The Office. You don't have to quit cold turkey 🦃.
- Google Authentication: Log in with google to keep track of movies you have added to your watchlist, and update your watchlist when you have watched a movie.
- Random Movie Generator: Not the Office Again uses the TMDb API to retrieve movies featuring your favorite characters from The Office.
- Quotes from The Office: The back of every movie poster on the Random Movie Generator features a quote from The Office pulled from Firebase. The Quotes database features over 150 quotes and was created by me solely for this project.
- User Watchlist: User watchlists are stored on and retrieved from Firebase. Authenticated users can perform full CRUD on their watchlist.
- Track Your Progress: Track your progress through the program. Everytime you mark a movie as watched, your progress is updated. Complete the program by watching 10 movies and open the door to a new world of content.
- Discover: After completing the program you can view the Discover page. From TMDb API you can view the Top 5 popular TV Shows and 5 random shows that are similar to The Office.
- Responsive Design: Project is optimized for use on phones and tablets.
- React
- React Router
- Axios
- Firebase
- Vanilla JS
- MomentJs
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