- 👋 Hi, I’m @MO-deus aka Kush Waikar - Final year @ IIIT-Nagpur. - I'm pursuing My B.tech in Computer Science Engineering. - I like to develop using various technologies which are available. - Currently I'm exploring the fields of Server Management using linux and and C++ advance concepts. - I'm well-versed in DSA my leetcode id.
- My Ongoing projects are as follows :
- A 2d game engine named Grimoire.
- A linux server.
- Till now I have created :
- A chat-app named Lisa:librarian, using the concepts of Computer Networks.
- A ML model which learns to play the game flappy bird by itself.
- A discord bot which responds to various commands.
- A chip-8 emulator which plays the game "space invaders".
- A simple 8080up opcode interpreter.
- A ML model which can recognise gender based on voice.
- javascript : Nodejs, ExpressJS, REST api, and quite a few libraries related to nodejs.
- C/C++ : SDL, OpenGL(still learning), Shaders, GLSL.
- Python : Pandas, Numpy, PowerBI, Tableau, Pygames.
- Database : MongoDB, SQL Query Languages.
- Tools : Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Git, Cmake, PostMan, MongoDB Compass, Jupyter Notebook.
- 👀 I’m interested in learning programming languages,game engine development and app development
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]