MPAS Version 8.0.0
This major release of MPAS introduces significant new features in the
MPAS-Atmosphere model and its supporting software infrastructure.
Enable parallel remapping of static fields with arbitrary graph partition
files; special CVT partition files are no longer required. -
Reset the default for the lower air-temperature extrapolation
) from 'linear' to 'lapse-rate' in the namelist. This
applies to initialization and to lateral boundary condition generation for
Set the condition for the lower extrapolation of the horizontal velocity
such that it returns the lowest analysis level value instead of a linear
extrapolation when the requested level is below the analysis level. -
Create a new init case (13) for creating 3-d CAM-MPAS grids.
Update the Noah land surface scheme to the WRF 4.5 release.
Update the MM5 surface layer scheme to the WRF 4.5 release.
Implemented the CCPP-compliant version of:
- the revised MM5 surface layer scheme;
- the parameterization of the gravity-wave drag over orography;
- the YSU Planetary Boundary Layer scheme;
- the scale-aware nTiedtke parameterization of convection; and
- the WSM6 cloud microphysics parameterization.
Correct the initialization of the maximum snow albedo over sea ice points
(now set to 0.75 instead of 0). -
Fix the option that defines the surface albedo over sea ice points. The
default option is now set to zero and the default value for the surface
albedo over sea ice points is set to 0.65. -
In the dynamics, rework the computation of the advective tendency of
potential temperature needed as forcing in the nTiedtke and Grell-Freitas
parameterizations of deep convection. The advective tendency of potential
temperature is now computed the same way for the nTiedtke and Grell-Freitas
convection schemes.IMPORTANT NOTE: The updated Noah scheme requires new look-up tables.
script that is run at build time should correctly
update these tables, but tables in other run directories will need to be
manually updated.
Modify the regional MPAS-A relaxation-zone filters to increase the
robustness of regional MPAS-A simulations, including access to specific
relaxation-zone filter parameters through the namelist. The defaults for
regional relaxation-zone filtering for the horizontal momentum have been
changed from the previous release. -
Generalize the 2nd-order horizontal mixing used in the upper wave absorbing
region in MPAS-A, including access to the configuration parameters through
the namelist. -
The pressure-level height diagnostic is now interpolated using ln(p) for
increased accuracy. This significantly reduces the diagnostics height bias
in the previous version. -
Change the vertical interpolation weights for projecting cell-centered
variables to w levels to be the vertically integrated average. Previously
the weights represented a linear interpolation in z. These weights are
computed in the initialization code and used in both the initialization and
integration. -
Eliminate the need to specify a horizontal length scale in namelists
). New mesh files supply this length scale, which is read by
the model at start-up. -
Include changes to the initialization and to MPAS-A such that this release
can be directly used in CESM/CAM.
Introduce a new I/O layer, the Simple MPAS I/O Layer. SMIOL provides a
subset of the parallel I/O functionality of PIO, but with a simplified
design that minimizes external dependencies to just the Parallel-NetCDF
library. When the$PIO
environment variable is not set at compile time,
SMIOL will be used in MPAS. -
Refactor halo communication to make use of a new group (aggregated) halo
exchange module. The new mpas_halo module is designed to be amenable to
GPU-direct communication of halos with OpenACC. In this release, however,
OpenACC directives have not yet been added.