This is the Dockerfile for the TwoSampleMR dockerhub image, which can be run with
docker run -it mrcieu/twosamplemr R
or run a specific tag with, e.g., 0.6.8
docker run -it mrcieu/twosamplemr:0.6.8 R
If you are updating this and don't have access to the mrcieu dockerhub organization please send your dockerhub username to @t0mrg.
First check the current base of rocker/r-ver:latest
docker pull --platform linux/amd64 rocker/r-ver:latest
docker run --platform linux/amd64 rocker/r-ver:latest cat /etc/lsb-release
And if building the multiple architecture image check
just check
Currently it uses Ubuntu Noble Numbat 24.04.1 LTS. This tells you if you can use the Linux binaries from r-universe which are currently built on Ubuntu Noble Numbat - it's safest to only use the binaries if these Ubuntu versions match. There is likely to be at least a 90 day period after the release of Noble Numbat during which these versions do not match.
docker pull --platform linux/amd64 rocker/r-ver:latest
docker build --pull --no-cache --platform linux/amd64 -t mrcieu/twosamplemr .
For the multi-architecture image you must enable the containerd image store in Docker Desktop settings.
Build the image (untagged/latest) and then add a version number tag as follows.
just build
Then run the test script, which checks TwoSampleMR and its Imports and Suggests (i.e., hard and soft) dependency packages will load.
For the single architecture image run the following.
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -v /$PWD:/usr/local/src/myscripts mrcieu/twosamplemr:latest /bin/bash -c "R CMD BATCH test.R test-amd64.Rout"
In the test.Rout file check that the version of TwoSampleMR is the latest one you expect.
just test
In the test-amd64.Rout and test-arm64.Rout files check that the version of TwoSampleMR is the latest one you expect.
Then login to DockerHub, and push both the version numbered tag and the latest tag (this is necessary so that the mrcieu/twosamplemr image is the latest, but we also show version numbers in the tags).
docker login
docker tag mrcieu/twosamplemr mrcieu/twosamplemr:<version_no>
docker push mrcieu/twosamplemr:<version_no>
docker tag mrcieu/twosamplemr:<version_no> mrcieu/twosamplemr:latest
docker push mrcieu/twosamplemr:latest
just publish VERSION