This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
YouTube Video
GPX Result
GroundTruth(blue) AND VisualOdom(red)
stereo-vision is a tool which contains the following computer vision and machine learning developments,
and will continue integrating more developments.
. stereomapper
A Qt GUI to read KITTI dataset and visualize the disparity map/visual odometry.
The original resource is from
The version here only contains the playback function but with
the memory leak fix.
. libviso2
A library for computing the six DOF motion of a moving mono/stereo camera.
The original resource is from
. libelas
A library for computing disparity maps from rectified graylevel stereo pairs.
. System setup:
. git clone the repo.
. git submodule update.
. Dependencies:
. OpenCV 3.1.0
. Qt Creator 4.2.1
. Database setup:
. download the KITTI raw data
. unzip the calibration zip file to "calib" folder.
. unzip the sync zip file to "sync" folder.
. unzip the tracklets zip file to "tracklets" folder.
. System executation:
. Load in /stereomapper/
. Run qmake
. Build stereomapper project and run the project
. Click "Scan" button and open the folder contains "calib", "sync" and "tracklets" folders
. Andreas Geiger ( [email protected] )