This project implements the encryption algorithm invented by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. It uses large, 600-bit prime numbers to encrypt and decrypt numbers and text. It is one of the first public-key cryptosystems and is still widely used to this day for data transmission. The difficulty in breaking RSA is similar to the np problem of integer factorization, and is therefore, incredibly dificult.
Generation of the 600 bit prime numbers is done by first ensuring they are not divisible by some of the common prime numbers known, and then by the application of the Miller-Rabin Primality Test. The error involved with the test diminishes the larger the number gets, therefore for such large numbers they become extremely accurate. For good measure, we apply the test twice is the file that generates a prime using a given number of bits. is the file that generates the primes using milrab, asks for your preferred public value, and then proceeds to calculate the public and private keys for the program. With a successful input of e, it will produce two lists, one with the entire public key and the other with the private key. will take in your public key credentials and your message and will give you an encrypted message. will take in your private key credentials and your encrypted message and will decrypt the message for you.
math for the logarithmic function
Mohammad Solaiman Jawad
This project is protected by the MIT License
*Criticism and advice is welcome and appreciated. for edits, please email me at [email protected]"