This is a Caffe implementation of Excitation Backprop described in
This software implementation is provided for academic research and non-commercial purposes only. This implementation is provided without warranty. The Excitation Backprop method described in the above paper and implemented in this software is patent-pending by Adobe.
- The same prerequisites as Caffe
- Anaconda (python packages)
- Unzip the files to a local folder (denoted as root_folder).
- Enter the root_folder and compile the code the same way as in Caffe.
- Our code is tested in GPU mode, so make sure to activate the GPU code when compiling the code.
- Make sure to compile pycaffe, the python interface
- Enter root_folder/ExcitationBP, run demo.ipynb using the python notebook. It will automatically download the pre-trained GoogleNet model for COCO and show you how to compute the contrastive attention map. For details for running the python notebook remotely on a server, see here.
- We also implemented the gradient based method and the deconv method compared in our paper. See demo.ipynb.
- We implemented both GPU and CPU version of Excitation Backprop. Change
to run the CPU version. - Our pre-train model is modified to be fully convolutional, so that images of any size and aspect raioe can be directly processed.
- To apply your own CNN model, you need to modify the deploy.prototxt according to root_folder/models/COCO/deploy.prototxt. Basically, you need to add a dummy loss layer at the end of the file. Make sure to remove any dropout layers.