Frontend: backend:
This is a collaborative project made with the collaboration of 4 members. The team leader of this project was Saif and other team menbers are Rupesh, Monojoy, Prashant and Shankar. The Tech Stack used in the creation of this website are HTML, CSS, Java Script and Bootstrap.
Rupesh was responsible for the creation of the landing page
Monoojoy Created the login SignUp page and edit product through admin page
Before Updating Product
updation Form
After Updation
Prashant created the product detail page for men and women and also added Searching and Sorting Features
Search Functionality
Sorting Functionality
Product Detail Page
Saif created the card page and added new product through the admin
Before New Product is added
After Product added
Added product displays at the last
Shankar created the admin page and the dashboard page for the admin
Dark Mode in Dashboard
With a lot of efforts made by evey team member we were able to complter this project in a time span of 6 days.