Frontend:- Link
This is a individual project which is a e-commerce web My web name is TAK-Store This is the landing page which have electronics page , TV & Appliances and Fashion product page . product pages having search sorting and filtering functionality and having add To cart page and also having payment page .
signup page before filling credential
login page before filling credential
Reset Password page before filling credential
Data of Fashion products coming from DataBase
Data of Electronics products coming from DataBase
Data of Appliences products coming from DataBase
searching functionalty A To Z sorting Z To A sorting Low To High sorting By price High To Low sorting By price TV & Appliances product page which is having same functionality as fashion product page Electronics product page which is having same functionality as fashion product page All product item having add to cart button if you click then it will store in database of cart page Every item having increment ,decrement,and Remove button All the have functionality of increment ,decrement,and Remove
after increment price also increased
after decrement price also decreased
after Removing item which was at top it will delete from data base
place Order button redirect on payment page
payment page before filling credential
payment page after filling credential and Data will store in Database