If you just want to read/revise each topic and dont need a checklist then Don't mind any of the things given below;
else continue;
- Firstly Fork the repository
- Then to mark a topic as completed in this checklist, change
[ ]
file. - This helps track your progress.
- Once marked a topic as completed just execute the
file.- It can update the progress bar and also has the current progress and an option to clear all.
- Remember to save the file after making changes.
- Function units of a computer -- Explain with block diagram
- Types of CPU registers
- Memory hierarchy with diagram
- Application & System software.
- Compilers
- Interpreters
- Assemblers
- High level and low level languages
- Flow chart
- Algorithms
- Pseudo code
- Bubble sort ,linear search - algorithms, Flowchart,pseudocode
- Operators in C with eg.
- Operators Precedence
- Control Flow Statements -- Syntax with Example
- Looping Statement -- Syntax with Example
- goto statement -- Syntax with Example
- Break and Continue Statements -- Syntax with Example
- Arrays
- 1-Dimensional Array
- Bubble Sort
- Linear Search
- Finding the maximum and minimum elements
- Reversing an array
- Finding the sum and average of elements
- Removing duplicates from an array
- Merging two arrays
- Rotating an array (left or right)
- 2-Dimensional Array
- Matrix Addition
- Matrix Subtration
- Matrix Multiplication
- Matrix Transpose
- 1-Dimensional Array
- Strings
- String handling functions
- strlen
- strcpy
- strcat
- strcmp
- puts
- gets
- Modular programming, writing functions
- Formal & actual parameters
- Pass by Value with eg
- Recursion
- Arrays as Function Parameters
- Bubble sort using function
- Linear Search using funtion
- structure & union
- Storage Classes
- Scope & life time of variables
- Basics of Pointer
- NULL pointer
- Array and pointers
- Pass by reference with eg
- File Operations:
- open
- close
- read
- write
- append
- Sequential access and random access to files.
- File handling function
- rewind()
- fseek()
- ftell()
- feof()
- fread()
- fwrite()
Made by MTCode01, Just for Learning!