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  • Build: CI/CD
  • Issues: Github Issues

MTecknology Host

This repository is used to automate the building, testing, deployment, and maintenance of servers and endpoints that are managed by MTecknology (Mike L.).

Primary Goals:

  • Provide a :ref:`bootstrap script <bootstrap>` to get a system "enrolled" into teckhost management
  • Provide a bare metal installer, similar to debian-installer
  • Automatically run a full CI/CD (build+install+validate) pipeline on any change

Secondary Goals:

  • Provide the ability to test with local file system changes
  • Limit user interaction to env (wifi, hostname) and encryption questions
  • Implement CI/CD release process to automatically promote after tests pass
  • Provide automated "release" of all "static assets" (teckhost.iso, bootstrap)



  1. Implement Salt-Cloud (or manually create)
  2. Log in and run :ref:`Salt Bootstrap <bootstrap>`
  3. Provide keys

Bare Metal:

  1. Download or :ref:`Build <build-iso>` ISO
  2. Copy ISO to flash drive (with mbuffer or dd)
  3. Boot to installer and choose either LVM or Encrypted
  4. Provide network/hostname/keys

GA Prebuild

Prior to Teckhost v1.2, Github Actions ran through the entire build process, including a fresh installation from a generated VM. Each Github Action workflow took 40-80 minutes to complete and often took multiple attempts before success.

Starting with v1.2, a manually-generated OVA is uploaded to the github release and then used by future workflows to prime the installation.

To create testpc1.ova:

  1. make clean test

  2. Wait for all tests to succeed

  3. Within VM:

    # Update

    apt update apt upgrade -y reboot # if kernel was updated

    # Clean apt apt autoremove -y apt clean rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* 2>/dev/null

    # Fix boot /sbin/grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --removable --boot-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=grub /dev/sda1

    # Reclaim zeros service cron stop for i in / /var/ /tmp/; do cat /dev/zero >"${i}zero"; rm "${i}zero"; done shutdown -h now

  4. Compress disk:

    VBoxManage modifyhd --compact testpc1/disk0.vdi

  5. VBox > Machine > Export to OCI

  6. Upload this OVA file to GCP Cloud Storage

  7. Edit Access > Public, allUsers, Reader

  8. Update file and checksum in Makefile (use "Public URL" link)

  9. Push the change and verify tests succeed

Salt Bootstrap

Salt is at the core of deployment and maintenance. Package selection, user creation, security policies, etc. is all done by salt during a state.highstate. The ultimate goal of this ./bootstrap script is to run the highstate as quickly and safely as possible.

In order for this ./bootstrap script to complete, it will need to prompt for a passphrase to decrypt salt's :ref:`Pillar Data <pillar>` keys.

To run the bootstrap:

bash bootstrap

Pillar Data

In order to read encrypted "pillar" data, salt needs access to a gpg key; this is stored in this repository in an encrypted blob. The :ref:`Salt Bootstrap <bootstrap>` script will expect the user to have access to this private key in order to decrypt the blob.

Ideally, only pre-hashed values will be stored in pillar. For example, a password hash generated with crypt is encrypted for salt, rather than the password itself. This repository is highly exposed and nothing within, even encrypted, should be considered more secure than the test data.

To encrypt data for pillar:

# Import the public key
curl -s | gpg --import

# Pipe the secret data through gpg
echo -n 'S3cr!t' | gpg --trust-model always -ear [email protected]