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Nils Schimmelmann edited this page Sep 10, 2021 · 3 revisions

Modding MMapper

MMapper looks up resources within a configurable path before it falls back to a default texture. This means that MMapper can be modded to use your own textures if you have the right filename in the right path when MMapper starts up.

Default Paths

OS Path
Windows C:/Users/<USER>/Documents/MMapper/Resources
Mac ~/Documents/MMapper/Resources
Linux ~/Documents/MMapper/Resources

In order to replace some of the textures you need to have a correct path. The general steps for modding would be:

  1. Look up the default path for my OS and create the Resources directory if it is missing.
  2. Create a pixmaps directory within the Resources directory
  3. See what files are moddable at
  4. Decide what you want to mod. For instance, let's see if we can modify the Aggressive mobile texture to look like a cow.
  5. Download mob-milkable.png and copy it into the pixmaps folder and rename the file to mob-aggmob.png
  6. Restart MMapper and see all the cows.

Best Practices

Image dimensions should be powers of two and have a transparency layer if they are intended to be transparent.

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