- Lab Writeup
- Demo App — Vacant Building Viewer
- Announcements
- Final Project Groups
- I've met with about 1/3rd of groups so far. Please schedule some time with me if you haven't already. I still have 10am - 11am free on Friday.
- If you don't have a partner and want one please let me know
- Final Project Datasets
- Safegraph Data Consortium
- Anything else I can help with?
- Final Project Groups
- Start the Codecademy HTML course
- Strongly recommend Intro to HTML
- Strongly recommend Forms
- Follow along and complete the Skeleton CSS Crash Course
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVANwdryGVc
- Materials for the tutorial: http://www.traversymedia.com/downloads/skeletoncrash.zip
- Import some datasets into an AWS RDS PostgreSQL database
- If you're looking for a dataset, try USGS' earthquake datasets: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_week.csv. They provide information about the columns on their site.
- Skeleton — Simple as far as CSS frameworks go but a little dated. More than sufficient for many things we will do in our class. Used in class demos, etc.
- Bootstrap — maybe the most popular CSS framework (and more), but more complicated for starting out
- Bulma — fairly basic but powerful framework that lets you quickly build sites
- WaterCss
- Pure.css
- Materialize
- Mozilla's Intro to HTML
- Mozilla's Learn to style HTML using CSS