What I aimed to accomplish is to clarify and focus on how serious the situation of child suicide in Japan is by using data.
The number of child suicides was increasing since 2016 and reached the highest record in 2022.
- Searched and found the suicide statistic data on:
- website of [Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare] (https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/hukushi_kaigo/seikatsuhogo/jisatsu/jisatsu_year.html)
- website of National Police Agency
- Also found suicide rate of G7 https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/hukushi_kaigo/seikatsuhogo/jisatsu/sesakugaiyou.html
- As the NPA data was all in pdf files, I decided to use the MHLW data in excel files. These are the data used for analysis.
- I tried to use pandas but found it too difficult to read multiple excel files at the same time. In order to make the dead line, I ended up picking the numbers manually and made into two excel files.
Input all the data into a line chart of Datawrapper and observed progression of values.
I used Datawrapper for the first time and learned how it works. Also making a website using html was new to me and I think I grew here the most. I would like to develop the skills more.
I wanted to make my project more interactive with story near multiple data representations. Ultimately, I hope to do similar to [How Americans Die].(https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/dataview/how-americans-die/)
2022-0-2022CDR-22-00013_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls 2021-0-2021CDR-21-00014_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls 2020-0-2020CDR-20-00014_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls 2019-0-2019CDR-19-00013_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls 2012-0-2012CDR-12-00046_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls 2018-0-2018CDR-18-00013_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls 2017-0-2017CDR-17-00013_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls 2016-0-2016CDR-16-00013_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls 2015-0-2015CDR-15-00013_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls 2014-0-2014CDR-14-00021_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls 2013-0-2013CDR-13-00020_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls 2012-0-2012CDR-12-00046_B1-4表(全国・発見日).xls