SmoothPanels is an Enyo panels kind that uses CSS3 animations instead of frame-by-frame Javascript animations
If you are using the Bootplate application structure, the best way to include SmoothPanels in your app is to add it as a submodule to your libs folder.
git submodule add lib/smooth-panels
Then add the module to your package.json.
name: "MyApp",
components: [
{kind: "SmoothPanels", components: [
{name: "firstPanel"},
{name: "secondPanel"},
async: false, // If true, the in and out animations will be decoupled
inAnim: "slideInFromRight", // Name of the CSS animation to use of the in animation
outAnim: "slideOutToLeft", // Name of the CSS animation to use of the out animation
duration: 500, // Duration to use for animations in ms
easing: "ease" // Timing function to use for animations
select: function(panel, [inAnim], [outAnim])
Selects the specified panel, which needs to be an enyo.Control.
selectDirect: function(panel)
Selects a panel directly without any animation.
selectByIndex: function(index, [inAnim], [outAnim])
Selects a panel by its index.
getSelectedPanel: function()
Returns the currently selected panel.
getSelectedPanelIndex: function()
Returns the index of the currently selected panel.