🔭 I’m currently working on: A new personal website built with Astro
🌱 I’m currently learning: Astro, HTMX, AlpineJS & Surreal.js, DenoJS, Svelte, Qwik, Web Components/Lit/Shoelace, and Tailwind CSS
💬 Ask me about Cloud Engineering (GCP), Docker, Software Dev/Eng, Anything BI/Data/Analytics Engineer related...
⚡ Fun fact: I am the second oldest of 5 brothers, but am the shortest one 😑.
😂 Here is a random joke that'll make you laugh:
Programming Languages | |
Frameworks | |
Backend Dev | |
Frontend Dev | |
Databases/Datastores | |
Cloud Engineering | |
CI/CD | |
SysOps | |
Monitoring & Observability | |
IDEs | |
Testing | |
Data Visualization | |
Others/Misc |