Dnser is a free and open-source subdomain guesser tool written in Go.
git clone https://github.com/MachiavelliII/Dnser.git
cd Dnser
go build dnser.go
./dnser -h
___ __ \__________________________
__ / / /_ __ \_ ___/ _ \_ ___/
_ /_/ /_ / / /(__ )/ __/ / @MachIaVellill
/_____/ /_/ /_//____/ \___//_/
Usage of ./dnser:
-d string
The domain you want to enumerate. [Required]
Example: website.com
-f string
Output format: json, xml, md, or csv (default "json")
-o string
Output file (optional)
-s string
The DNS server to use.
NOTE: Pay attention to rate limiting restrictions (default "")
-t int
The amount of threads. (default 75)
-v Enable verbosity
-w string
The wordlist path to use. [Required]
Example: /path/to/wordlist