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DataStorytelling Patterns developed as a part of Master Thesis Research

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Data Story Patterns Library is a repository with pattern analysis designated for Linked Open Statistical Data. Story Patterns were retrieved from literture reserach udenr general subject of "data journalism".


pip install datastories

Requirements will be automatically installed with package


import datastories.analytical as patterns

patterns.DataStoryPattern(sparqlendpointurl, jsonmetadata)

Object created allow to query SPARQL endpoint based on JSON meatadat provided.

JSON Template

    "cube_key" : {
		"title":"title of cube",
		"dataset_structure":"URI for cube structure",
                "dimension_title":"Title of diemnsion",
                "dimension_url":"URI for dimension",
                "dimension_prefix":"URI for dimension's values"
                "dimension_title":"Title of diemnsion",
                "dimension_url":"URI for dimension",
                "dimension_prefix":"URI for dimension's values"
                "dimension_title":"Title of diemnsion",
                "dimension_url":"URI for dimension",
                "dimension_prefix":"URI for dimension's values",
					"level_key":"integer(granularity level)",
					"level_key":"integer(granularity level)"

			"measure_title":"Title of measure",
			"measure_url":"URI for measure"


Patterns Description


Measurement and Counting Arithemtical operators applied to whole dataset - basic information regarding data


def MCounting(self,cube="",dims=[],meas=[],hierdims=[],count_type="raw",df=pd.DataFrame() )
Parameter Type Description
cube String Cube, which dimensions and measures will be investigated
dims list[String] List of dimensions (from cube) to take into investigation
meas list[String] List of measures (from cube) to take into investigation
hierdims dict{hierdim:{"selected_level":[value]}} Hierarchical Dimesion with selected hierarchy level to take into investigation
count_type String Type of Count to perform
df DataFrame DataFrame object, if data is already retrieved from endpoint


Based on count_type value

Count_type Description
raw data without any analysis performed
sum sum across all numeric columns
mean mean across all numeric columns
min minimum values from all numeric columns
max maximum values from all numeric columns
count amount of records


LeagueTable - sorting and extraction specific amount of records


def LTable(self,cube=[],dims=[],meas=[],hierdims=[], columns_to_order="", order_type="asc", number_of_records=20,df=pd.DataFrame())
Parameter Type Description
cube String Cube, which dimensions and measures will be investigated
dims list[String] List of dimensions (from cube) to take into investigation
meas list[String] List of measures (from cube) to take into investigation
hierdims dict{hierdim:{"selected_level":[value]}} Hierarchical Dimesion with selected hierarchy level to take into investigation
columns_to_order list[String] Set of columns to order by
order_type String Type of order (asc/desc)
number_of_records Integer Amount of records to retrieve
df DataFrame DataFrame object, if data is already retrieved from endpoint


Based on sort_type value

Sort_type Description
asc ascending order based on columns provided in columns_to_order
desc descending order based on columns provided in columns_to_order


InternalComparison - comparison of numeric values related to textual values within one column


def InternalComparison(self,cube="",dims=[],meas=[],hierdims=[],df=pd.DataFrame(), dim_to_compare="",meas_to_compare="",comp_type="")
Parameter Type Description
cube String Cube, which dimensions and measures will be investigated
dims list[String] List of dimensions (from cube) to take into investigation
meas list[String] List of measures (from cube) to take into investigation
hierdims dict{hierdim:{"selected_level":[value]}} Hierarchical Dimesion with selected hierarchy level to take into investigation
df DataFrame DataFrame object, if data is already retrieved from endpoint
dim_to_compare String Dimension, which values will be investigated
meas_to_compare String Measure, which numeric values related to dim_to_compare will be processed
comp_type String Type of comparison to perform


Independent from comp_type selected, output data will have additional column with numerical column meas_to_compare processed in specific way.

Available types of comparison comp_type

Comp_type Description
diffmax difference with max value related to specific textual value
diffmean difference with arithmetic mean related to specific textual values
diffmin difference with minimum value related to specific textual value


ProfileOutliers - detection of unusual values within data (anomalies)


def ProfileOutliers(self,cube=[],dims=[],meas=[],hierdims=[],df=pd.DataFrame(), displayType="outliers_only")
Parameter Type Description
cube String Cube, which dimensions and measures will be investigated
dims list[String] List of dimensions (from cube) to take into investigation
meas list[String] List of measures (from cube) to take into investigation
hierdims dict{hierdim:{"selected_level":[value]}} Hierarchical Dimesion with selected hierarchy level to take into investigation
df DataFrame DataFrame object, if data is already retrieved from endpoint
display_type String What information display are bound to display (with/without anomalies)


Pattern analysis using python scipy library will perform quick exploration in serach of unusual values within data.

Based on display_type parameter data will be displayed with/without ddetected unusual values.

Available types of displaying display_type

display_type Description
outliers_only returns rows from dataset where unusual values were detected
without_outliers returns dataset with excluded rows where unusual values were detected


DissectFactors - decomposition of data based on values in dim_to_dissect


def DissectFactors(self,cube="",dims=[],meas=[],hierdims=[],df=pd.DataFrame(),dim_to_dissect="")
Parameter Type Description
cube String Cube, which dimensions and measures will be investigated
dims list[String] List of dimensions (from cube) to take into investigation
meas list[String] List of measures (from cube) to take into investigation
hierdims dict{hierdim:{"selected_level":[value]}} Hierarchical Dimesion with selected hierarchy level to take into investigation
df DataFrame DataFrame object, if data is already retrieved from endpoint
dim_to_dissect String Based on which dimension data should be decomposed


As an output, data will be decomposed in a form of a dictionary, where each subset have values only related to specific value. Dictionary of subdataset will be constructed as a series of paiers where key per each susbet will values from dim_to_dissect and this key value will be data, where yhis key value was occurring.


HighlightContrast - partial difference within values related to one textual column


def HighlightContrast(self,cube="",dims=[],meas=[],hierdims=[],df=pd.DataFrame(),dim_to_contrast="",contrast_type="",meas_to_contrast="")
Parameter Type Description
cube String Cube, which dimensions and measures will be investigated
dims list[String] List of dimensions (from cube) to take into investigation
meas list[String] List of measures (from cube) to take into investigation
hierdims dict{hierdim:{"selected_level":[value]}} Hierarchical Dimesion with selected hierarchy level to take into investigation
df DataFrame DataFrame object, if data is already retrieved from endpoint
dim_to_contrast String Textual column, from which values will be contrasted
meas_to_contrast String Numerical column, which values are contrasted
contrast_type String Type of contrast to present


Independent from contrast_type selected, output data will have additional column with numerical column meas_to_contrast processed in specific way.

Available types of comparison contrast_type

Contrast_type Description
partofwhole difference with max value related to specific textual value
partofmax difference with arithmetic mean related to specific textual values
partofmin difference with minimum value related to specific textual value


StartBigDrillDown - data retrieval from multiple hierachical levels.

This pattern can be only applied to data not stored already in DataFrame


def StartBigDrillDown(self,cube="",dims=[],meas=[],hierdim_drill_down=[])
Parameter Type Description
cube String Cube, which dimensions and measures will be investigated
dims list[String] List of dimensions (from cube) to take into investigation
meas list[String] List of measures (from cube) to take into investigation
hierdim_drill_down dict{hierdim:list[str]} Hierarchical dimension with list of hierarchy levels to inspect


As an output, data will be retrieved in a form of a dictionary, where each dataset will be retrieved from different hierachy level. List will be provided inhierdim_drill_down. Hierachy levels provided by in parameter will automatically sorted in order from most general to most detailed level based on metadata provided.


StartSmallZoomOut - data retrieval from multiple hierachical levels.

This pattern can be only applied to data not stored already in DataFrame


def StartSmallZoomOut(self,cube="",dims=[],meas=[],hierdim_zoom_out=[])
Parameter Type Description
cube String Cube, which dimensions and measures will be investigated
dims list[String] List of dimensions (from cube) to take into investigation
meas list[String] List of measures (from cube) to take into investigation
hierdim_zoom_out dict{hierdim:list[str]} Hierarchical dimension with list of hierarchy levels to inspect


As an output, data will be retrieved in a form of a dictionary, where each dataset will be retrieved from different hierachy level. List will be provided inhierdim_zoom_out. Hierachy levels provided by in parameter will automatically sorted in order from most detaile to most general level based on metadata provided.


AnalysisByCategory - ecomposition of data based on values in dim_for_category with analysis performed on each susbet


def AnalysisByCategory(self,cube="",dims=[],meas=[],hierdims=[],df=pd.DataFrame(),dim_for_category="",meas_to_analyse="",analysis_type="min"):
Parameter Type Description
cube String Cube, which dimensions and measures will be investigated
dims list[String] List of dimensions (from cube) to take into investigation
meas list[String] List of measures (from cube) to take into investigation
hierdims dict{hierdim:{"selected_level":[value]}} Hierarchical Dimesion with selected hierarchy level to take into investigation
df DataFrame DataFrame object, if data is already retrieved from endpoint
dim_for_category String Dimension, based on which input data will be categorised
meas_to_analyse String Measure, which will be analysed
analysis_type String Type of analysis to perform


As an output, data will be decomposed in a form of a dictionary, where each subset have values only related to specific value. Such subset will get analysed based on analysis_type parameter

Available types of analysis analysis_type

Analysis_type Description
min Minimum per each category
max Maximum per each category
mean Arithmetical mean per each category
sum Total value from each category



def ExploreIntersection(self, dim_to_explore=""):
Parameter Type Description
dim_to_explore String Dimension, which existence within enpoint is going to be investigated


Pattern will return series of datasets, where each will represent occurence of dim_to_explore in one cube



def NarrChangeOT(self,cube="",dims=[],meas=[],hierdims=[],df=pd.DataFrame(),meas_to_narrate="",narr_type="")
Parameter Type Description
cube String Cube, which dimensions and measures will be investigated
dims list[String] List of dimensions (from cube) to take into investigation
meas list[String] List of measures (from cube) to take into investigation
hierdims dict{hierdim:{"selected_level":[value]}} Hierarchical Dimesion with selected hierarchy level to take into investigation
df DataFrame DataFrame object, if data is already retrieved from endpoint
meas_to_narrate String Set of 2 measures, which change will be narrated
narr_type String Type of narration to perform


Independent from narr_type selected, output data will have additional column with numerical values processed in specific way.

Available types of analysis narr_type

Narr_type Description
percchange Percentage change between first nad second property
diffchange Quantitive change between first and second property


DataStorytelling Patterns developed as a part of Master Thesis Research






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