Shawn's website fork to implement the parser of existing chatwheels
Proceed here, it's the generator page.
Downsides (with the current setup):
- Whenever you bring the chatwheel up in-game, it brings up the one you stopped on during switching. But when you start switching, it starts from the very beginning; this can be misleading, and idk how to fix it, would like to have some input on this.
- Basic functionality is there, but a lot more need to be done imo.
Changes in this fork:
- commented a lot of code (most of the work went into this than into actual coding)
- config parser
- "selections" array now stores actual phrases' gameindexes
- proper deletion of chatwheel pages (reforms the array and reenumerates the chatwheel pages)
- TBF: implement 2-key-layout (as found somewhere on reddit, would like to give credit)
- Valve — DotA 2 and initial phraseList content
- chudooder ( — inital chatwheel config builder
- Onekone ( — initial help with understanding of the code, suggestions, guidance and motivation (no Kappa)
- community for providing thorough answers on googled subjects
insert a new page between existing ones
sweet insert and delete buttons
also a copy button for result
Need to implement 2 global binds:
bind SEMICOLON +mycw //// ChatWheel Key
bind ' mycw_next //// NextPage Key (to browse through all chat wheel pages)
How to use: hold the ChatWheel Key and press the NextPage Key to "scroll" through pages
option (tick) to reset the page to the first one everytime you close the chatwheel (commented out in code)
layout system
switch between "key-per-chatwheel" and "2-keys-for all wheels layouts", also "cwpagesnum = keysnumber * keysnumber"
option for list of chatwheel strings to start from the top, not from the right ((not-so-)purely visual part)
make keyboard-friendly ( switch to next delete button on delete + make .boxes focus-able by keyboard + turn the wheel accordingly)
localisation selection
page style selection (classic dota2 / reborn dota2)
mb render every wheel as a wheel as in dota menu?