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Hyperlane Typescript Challenge



  • node 22
  • npm 10.8.1

Getting Started

Follow these command from the directory root.

  • Run npm install
  • Copy the .env.example file into a .env
  • Run npm run build to build a distribution at /dist/cli.js

Test Commands

These commands are defined at package.json. They call the CLI commands, filing the required parameters.

  • Send command: npm run test-send. This command will recreate a wallet using the .env PRIVATE_KEY which has some Sepolia ETH, connect to a RPC node provider, initialize the mailbox contract deployed on Sepolia and use it to send a message to the address 0xd0e3bd9fdfc791dde8aa45c6227f9310d07a9c80 on Scroll Sepolia (ChainID: 534351).

  • Search command: npm run test-search. This command will execute the query command using a json file set at test/matching.json, which should match the parameters used on the npm run test-send script. This command will likely match previous test attempts, but one should be able to inspect a new entry after running npm run test-send. Please note other json files within the test directory that can be used to assert proper query execution.

CLI Commands

The CLI has helpers to list the supported commands and their usage.

  • node dist/cli.js -h will list the cli commands
  • node dist/cli.js send -h will list the send parameters necessary


  • You can use your personal wallet by overwriting the .env PRIVATE_KEY value

  • The amount of blocks queried per request can be altered by setting the .env QUERY_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE variable. Note that RPC enforce different limits according to their own configuration (Default value is set to 50k blocks/request)


Enhance UX

Output Display

In order to make it easier for CLI users to interact with the tool output, it would be nice to enable wrapper links on the search command output (table with transactionHash/BlockNumber/addresses) so the user can click and be directed to the block explorer. Same can be done for send command output (transactionHash).

Environment configs

Most of the parameters necessary to execute the commands are being captured through execution flags. This can be enhanced by defining expanding the usage of .env configs as default values, and overwriting such values if the flag parameters are provided in each call. That way the CLI usage verbosity will be reduced, enhancing the user experience

Support MatchingList.originDomain field

In order to support fetching logs from multiple originDomain values, it will be necessary to have a map of chainIDs and RPC*URL providers. (Something like RPC_URL*<originDomain> in the .env file).

If such feature gets implemented, it will be necessary to repeat most of the search command routine for each originDomain value, so the providers, contracts, filters and 1M range block scan can be done according to each chain configuration.

To speed things up, this should be implemented using concurrency, so multiple routines can be triggered and executed "at the same time". (mind the quotes)

Enhance performance

The current implementation loop over chunks of blocks (.env QUERY_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE) in order to cover the desired 1_000_000 block range. For the default value of 50k blocks per request, it requires 20 iterations to query it all, which can take minutes to execute.

This can be enhanced by triggering multiple concurrent requests.

The same approach can/should be used when enabling the originDomain search.

Known issues / Assumptions / Test Considerations

For the test purpose, I'm focusing on points that should display my skills and awareness over building a CLI tool, I'm not putting perfectionism over Hyperlane specifics characteristics. Here are a list of topics I want to disclose I'm choosing not to handle, but I'm aware I would have to address if this code was targeting production/real-world usage:

  • Message validation. Obviously, there will be limits to the message length that this CLI should respect.

  • This CLI only supports the Dispatch(destinationDomain, recipientAddress, messageBody) function. Not the same contract function name with other function signature (extra parameters)

  • Granular debug/try-catch so it's easier to identify in which step something went wrong. For instance:

    • Calling mailbox.quoteDispatch
    • Calling mailbox.Dispatch
  • I didn't wrote any unit tests, but they would be quite simple and effective against auxiliary functions that don't depend on external data (on-chain). It would be nice to add a test to assert the correct filter configurations out of multiple json files configs.

  • Check private_key wallet balance and gracefully handle lack of funds to pay for protocol fees/gas

ChainID <=> RPC_URL

Since a RPC_URL will point to a provider that will be connected to only one chain, I'm inferring that the origin chain/domain will always be aligned with the provider. That is, when using the search command, which requires an RPC_URL argument, the originDomain won't be taken into consideration.

I've left a comment on the code proposing how to enable the originDomain field from MatchingListElement, but I've decided to not implement it for this submission.

The same approach is applied to the send command, the command doesn't require the "origin chain" parameter, as it's assumed that the RPC_URL + mailbox address are enough to send the message, as long as these value are valid.


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