Visual Studio Code Angular Unit Testing Snippets in Jasmine
These snippets were created after observing that, these code blocks / mocks / techniques were used a lot while we write unit tests in angular.
If you want to learn angular unit testing. Please refer
Type jat- to get the snippet intellisense. Press enter to select a snippet
Snippet | Purpose |
jat-component-basic | Unfold the unit test setup for component (Runs in isolation) |
jat-component-with-service-mock | Component unit test setup with a sample mock service (Runs in isolation) |
jat-mock-observable-success-service | Mock service which returns an observable, to use in useClass provider |
jat-suite | Generates a jasmine describe block (Test suite) |
jat-spec | Generates an it block (Test spec) |
jat-timer-spec | Generates a it block to test the methods which contains timers (SetTimeout, SetInterval etc) |
jat-use-value-provider | Angular useValue provider to inject mock value as dependency instead of an injection token or injected service. |
jat-use-class-provider | Angular useClass provider to inject a mock class as dependency instead of an injection token or injected service. |
jat-mock-router | Mock Class to use as a mock for the injected Router class (Has minimal methods like navigate, navigateByUrl etc. These can be extended) |
jat-http-success-spec | Spec that makes use of angular HttpTestingController to test http requests |
jat-http-error-spec | Spec that makes use of angular HttpTestingController to test http requests that may return error |
jat-dispatch-event-spec | Spec that dispatches an event to simulate user interactions in unit tests |
jat-before-each | Generates an empty before each block |
jat-before-each-async | Creates an asynchronous before each block (Deprecated) |
jat-before-each-wait-for-async | Creates an asynchronous before each block |
jat-service-before-each | Creates a before each block for testing your service |
jat-test-bed-inject | Utilizes TestBed to inject a service instance (From Angular 9) |
jat-test-bed-get | Utilizes TestBed to inject a service instance (Before Angular 9) |