Manages ssh keys on your servers and ensures that only these keys are on your servers.
(GNU) bash, (GNU) coreutils, (GNU) findutils Simply not tested on non GNU userspace. SetUp the data directory.
None yet
You can generate all server keys by running scripts/ . After this use this like every other role. If the serverkey {{ ansible_hostname }} exists (define it inside the data directory) it will be populated. You may want to populate the data directory via your own git and run the via cron to update the keys from time to time.
- hosts: all
- maesto_ssh_keys
Populate the data directory. To see how to do this have a look at the data.example directory. Pay attention to the links! If you don't you have to change the files at multiple points and may oversee one later! if no user@ is present in the filename root gets assumed.
Lucas Wendel [email protected]