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Denna is a fully featured and productive To-Do list for Windows 10 devices.
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The Story

Denna's idea came from my own needs. I'm not punctual at all, so I needed a tool to make me care more about my time. So with the help of the whole team in MahStudio, we came across with a project named Plannel which then became Denna.

Denna is a name of a mountain in Iran. The idea of creating Denna, poped up to my mind, when I couldn't spend enough time to study, and failed to answer some of the questions on my test. The answer of one those missed questions them was "Denna".

Then with the help of the team and the community, we developed and released a lovely tool named Denna. The main goal of Denna is to help people to care more about their time. Because time flies!

Ease of access and productivity, are Denna's core values.

The theory

We think that all leading todo lists and task managers of the market suck too much! So we decided to make one with the help of community. We think only people can say what they want not the big companies!

What we offer in Denna

  • Productive task management
  • Offline-first sync
  • Cortana interaction
  • Action center integration
  • Productivity analysis
  • Simple but effective interface
  • Fast support

Denna in press

Denna got a really good attention from users and some of the news websites. You can read some of Denna's reviews down below:

And so on ...


This project is designed by Sr. architect and designer Aref M. Ahmadi and Sr. designer Mohammad R. Alidoost.

Also you can see the whole design files HERE


Denna looks for new maintainers and contributors. The key feature that we need for next update is sync and the features that are into the design. As Denna is an open source project, all kind of contributions are welcome.


First let me explain what we are our plans for Denna:

  • Make it as simple but productive. High UX values.
  • Supporting UWP platform.
  • Supporting Android.
  • Supporting iOS.
  • Supporting office extentions.
  • Supporting web client.
  • Adding collaborative task management.
  • Keep learning from users and let them decide what features they want in Denna.

We currently need Android, Web and iOS developers to sharpen our team. Ideally a React/React native developer will help us to build everything we need.

How do I contribute

You can contribute us in either 3 ways:

  1. You can get our stable builds and send us feedbacks, ideas and feature requests either in email or issues
  2. You can get our nightly builds from HERE and give us feedback pr join us HERE AT DENNA INSIDER CHAT ON TELEGRAM
  3. You can help us in development cycle. See roadmap.

You can see V 2.1 milestone HERE

Build Prerequisites

  1. Windows 10
  2. Visual Studio 2017 (latest build) with universal windows development features installed.
  3. GIT for Windows (install from here)
  4. Knowledge about C#, Xaml, Realm, MVVM, design patterns and Windows development

Build instructions

We use realm as our database and sync engine, so see documentation first.

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Open Denna Solution
  3. Open Realm cloud website and register for a realm instance for free. If you don't want sync, skip this step and open an issue and ask us for the solution.
  4. Back into solution, there is a missing Constants.cs file. Replace it with following code. Remember that you should paste your realm instance URL in ServerUri.
  5. Register for an app in Microsoft App Center and paste your app secret code in AppCenterSecret. If you don't want analytics you can skip this and write a random string there.
using System;
namespace Core
    public static class Constants
        public static readonly Uri ServerUri = new Uri("My realm server URL");
        public static readonly string AppCenterSecret = "Your App Center secret" ;
  1. Hit F5 and run the project


This project is designed, developed, maintained and supported by the community software development team Mah Studio. See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Special thanks to AliNGame, Pouria Riahi, Microsoft app center team and Windows insiders and developers community for their help to this project.


This project is sponsored by


Throughput Graph


This application is available under GPL-3 Licence.

Copyright © 2016-2018 Denna Authors // Mah Studio.