A boilerplate for creating React Native App in Node.js using React Native and React-Redux. It is written with all the best practices in the world 😊
- React-Native updated to 0.61.2
- Always up-to-date React Native scaffolding
- Modular and well-documented structure for application code
- Redux for state management
- React Navigation for simple navigation
- Native-Base for managing UI of React-Native
- React-native-vector-icons
- How to navigate from one Screen to another
- More than 10 Ready-to-use Screens where user login, Otp, settings, CustomDrawer presents
- Node.js, Javascript, npm - core platform
- React Native - build for native appp both android and ios
- React-Native-Paper - material design components using
- Redux - store management for app
- Moment.js - parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in javaScript.
- Lodash - a modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.
- ESLint - check and fix linting of code
- Jest - unit testing javascript code and api
Environment SetUp : Make sure you set the required Dependencies for React-Native project. if you do not set up your environment, follow the link before creating new application. React-Native Environment Set-Up
- After set-up the environment then follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Clone and Install
# Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/MahmudHasanMenon/React-Native-Starter.git
# Navigate to clonned folder and Install dependencies
$ cd React-Native-Starter
$ npm install or yarn install
View more option
Step 3: Start the App
$ react-native run-android (for Android buid)
$ react-native run-ios (for ios build)
- Node.js v10.3.0 or higher to support ES2018 syntax.
- ReactNative v0.60 or higher [more].
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- 🔧 Create Fixes, suggest new features or update docs