The shortcourse dates have been tentatively set for May 2-5 (two hours each day). The registration page is not available as yet - but hopefully soon.
If you want to sign up for the GNSS-IR email list, please contact Kristine Larson.
New snowdepth utility.
New discussion page started about modern GNSS signals.
We have developed readthedocs style documentation.
We create a new docker every time we update this repository.
We create a new pypi version every time a new version is created.
All access to UNAVCO data will end (unknown date) unless you sign up for an account there
- Installation
- Understanding the Code
- Products:
- Examples
- The Simulator
- Utilities
- Notes about File structure and Formats
- News/Bugs/Future Work
- Some Publications
- How can you help this project? How can you ask for help?
GNSS-IR was developed with funding from NSF (ATM 0740515, EAR 0948957, AGS 0935725, EAR 1144221, AGS 1449554) and
NASA (NNX12AK21G and NNX13AF43G). gnssrefl
was initially developed
as a fun post-retirement project, followed by support from NASA (80NSSC20K1731).
This documentation was updated on February 23, 2023
Kristine M. Larson