Very simple and lightweight framework to improve Express JS MVC's architecture written in CoffeeScript. It provides a simple way to create models and controllers with an object-oriented approach (CoffeeScript).
npm install express-simple-mvc
Create your express application as usual and use the "simple_mvc" function and pass the path to the controllers, models and routes directories.
express = require 'express'
{simple_mvc} = require 'express-simple-mvc'
require 'namespace'
app = express()
app.listen 3000
app.configure ->
app.use express.methodOverride()
app.use app.router
simple_mvc app, __dirname + '/controllers', __dirname + '/models', __dirname + '/config/routes'
You must configure your application before using simple_mvc. You'll also need a namespace pattern for coffeescript, you can install it with npm install
Create a directory called "config" with a file called "routes" inside. Define your routes (inspired by Play! Framework), for example :
# Routes
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~
GET / controllers.Players.index
GET /players controllers.Players.index
GET /players/new
GET /player/:id
GET /player/:id/edit controllers.Players.edit
POST /players controllers.Players.create
PUT /player/:id controllers.Players.update
DELETE /player/:id controllers.Players.delete
Create a models and a controllers directory with a Players controller and a Player model. For example, simple CRUD (don't forget the namespace)
namespace controllers:
class Players
# Import Player model from models namespace
{Player} = models
# GET /players
@index: (req, res) ->
Player.all (players) ->
res.send players
# GET /player/:id
@show: (req, res) ->, (player) ->
res.send player
# GET /players/new
@new: (req, res) ->
res.render 'newForm'
# GET /player/:id/edit
@edit: (req, res) ->, (player) ->
res.render 'editForm'
player: player
# POST /players
@create: (req, res) ->
Player.create req.param('player'), ->
res.send 'New player successfully created !'
# PUT /player/:id
@update: (req, res) ->
Player.update, req.param('player'), ->
res.send "Player #{req.param('id')} successfully updated !"
# DELETE /player/:id
@delete: (req, res) ->
Player.delete, ->
res.send "Player #{req.param('id')} successfully deleted !"
And the for the model (I use mongoose here, but you can adapt it)
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
namespace models:
class Player
@schema =
pseudo: String
type: Number
default: 0
type: Number
default: 0
@model = mongoose.model 'Player', new mongoose.Schema @schema
@all: (cb) ->
@model.find null, (err, docs) ->
if err then throw err
cb docs
@create: (doc, cb) ->
new @model(doc).save (err) ->
if err then throw err
do cb
@read: (_id, cb) ->
@model.findById _id, (err, doc) ->
if err then throw err
cb doc
@update: (_id, doc, cb) ->
@model.findByIdAndUpdate _id, doc, (err) ->
if err then throw err
do cb
@delete: (_id, cb) ->
@model.findByIdAndRemove _id, (err) ->
if err then throw err
do cb
And that's all ! Looks difficult ? Have a look at the source code in /src (only about 20 lines !) or run the example.