SolSense NASA Space Apps Challenge: Leveraging Earth Observation Data for Informed Agricultural Decision-Making
Todo: Initializing project
- Make it deploy (vercel)
- Scaffold basic ui with mock data
- Tidy up build process
- Set up a database (vercel postgres)
- Attach datatbase to UI
- add auth
- Add pagination and side bar options (basic funcitonality ill add here )
- [] User upload stuff (refer to t3 video if needed, lots of routing and db uploads and file collections) this is probably a post hackathon thing tho right now just focus on displaying real time data to the user.
- "taint" (server-only)
- Use Next/Image component
- [] Add Logo
- [] Add Favicon
- [] Add leaflet map
Todo: After Hackathon
- [] Add animated loading screen on website click
- [] Make a Sign In Page
- [] add auth
Todo: Actual Project
- [] Will add more her later there is a lot I want to do and I need to learn more about GIS, blob storage and pulling data from various apis etc.