Submitted by: Maneesha
Wordle is an app that allows players guess a five lettered hidden word within six attempts, using the feedback provided after each guess to make educated guesses about the word. The game provides feedback on each guess, indicating which letters are correct and in the correct position (green), which letters are correct but in the wrong position (yellow), and which letters are not in the word at all (gray).Users can access the settings view to customize game settings such as the number of guesses allowed, the number of letters in the goal word, and the game theme. These settings affect the gameplay and overall experience. Users have the option to reset the game with the current settings. Users can play a basic version of Wordle, where they can input words and guess the correct word. When the Alien Wordle toggle is switched on, user can play Wordle with the added challenge where the goal word changes after each incorrect guess.
Time spent: 3 hours spent in total
The following required functionality is completed:
- User can change the number of letters per row (the length of the goal word)
- User can change the numbers of rows on the board (how many guesses allowed)
- User can select a new themed set to pull the goal word from
- User can select "alien wordle", causing the goal word to change after each guess
The following optional features are implemented:
- App displays a reset button on the top left to reset the game (but make no changes to the settings)
The following additional features are implemented:
- List anything else that you can get done to improve the app functionality!
challenges encountered while building the app:
- Ensuring that the value retrieved from the settings dictionary is casted to the correct type (int in case of kNumLettersKey and kNumGuessesKey , bool in case of kIsAlienWordleKey ,string in case of kWordThemeKey) before assigning it to the respective property.
- Initially in the original code there was "isAlienWordle"(bool) as property of board controller.swift as well as value associated with the key "kIsAlienWordleKey" . This created confusion for while assigning value to the settings property . So, I edited "isAlienWordle"value into " isAlienWordleValue".
- I have used a checkpoint by printing the goal word, to check the next goal word when alienWordle mode is enabled.
Copyright [2024] [Maneesha007]
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.