Releases: MangoInstantMessenger/MangoMessengerAPI
Releases · MangoInstantMessenger/MangoMessengerAPI
- Message submission flow updated (#440 by @ketteiteki)
- Semantic version is properly displayed on UI at settings (#438)
- Separate model for send message real-time notification (#449)
- Smooth scrolling added to message box (#437)
- Settings UI bug fixed (#445)
- Message deletion flow updated (#442 by @ketteiteki)
- Realtime flow improved, few issues are fixed
- Angular version bump to 15.2.2
- Reply to message feature (by @Ketteiteki)
- Message attachment UI improvement (by @Ketteiteki)
- Angular app API url is transformed during CI/CD build
- Angular app API url parameter is moved to config.json file
- Azure storage account for terraform state is created via Azure Pipelines
- Updated bicep infrastructure as code
- Assets copied to azure blob storage as part of CI/CD
- Azure KeyVault used to access secrets inside CI/CD pipelines
- Azure Application insights added
- Message file attachment implemented
(by @islamumarov) - CI/CD pipelines separated into two separate files
- Implement terraform infrastructure as code
- Azure pipelines CI/CD trigger approval added for: Sonarcloud, Mend bolt scan jobs