Based on Flutter cross-platform and FastApi lightweight ChatGPT Web multimodal project. Use JWT, Mysql, Redis, Sqlalchemy to realize user signing and chat data storage; use Celery, Flower to execute and monitor the background tasks.
- Supported flutter stable(v3.16.8)and pub latest version | dart stable(v3.2.5)
- Supported Riverpod(v2.4.9)state manager | Go_Router handle global routers
- Supported websocket | recording and player | markdown display text/audio/image messgae list
- Supported JWT signing| FastApi middleware handle CORS、Exception、Request interceptor
- Supported Sqlalchemy、mysql、redis data storage API | use Celery、Flower to execute and monitor the background tasks
- Supported Pinecone vector db | RetrievalAgent vector docs
- Supported docker-compose deploy
- Supported flutter web localizations | yaml file all choose to support multi-platform applications
- Supported flutter macOS UI | FastApi static file not supported
- Supported Android/iOS/Windows/Linux | mobile adaptation requires UI/UX changes
.env -- local -- deploy
- Set OpenAI api key :
- Set Pinecone vector db api key :
- Modify Mysql url and args config if necessary, DATABASE_URL default localhost
- Modify Redis url and args config if necessary, REDIS_URL default localhost
- Modify Celery url if necessary, CELERY_BROKER,CELERY_BACKEND default localhost
Base on docker deploy,If not installed, please download :
Start docker,cd ChatGPT-Flutter-Web
docker-compose up -d --build
If need to view which containers started successfully, run
docker-compose ps
If running successfully will be show like this
Your can view logs within docker, run
docker-compose logs backend
docker-compose logs frontend
docker-compose logs celery
root directory docker-compose.yml will be scan and execute frontend/backend each Dockerfile,backend directory init.sql to init database
- frontend :
- backend :
- flower :
If fails, check docker logs or modify docker-compse config or project code, then run
docker-compose down
docker-compse up -d --build
├── backend
├── frontend
├── docker-compsoe.yml
└── screenshot
- data : Stores the default vectorized document
- app/attach : Stores the uploaded and downloaded file
- db : Handle Sqlalchemy db and table define
├── app
│ ├── api
│ │ ├── **/*.py
│ ├── attach
│ ├── core
│ ├── db
│ ├──
├── data
├── Dockerfile
├── init.sql
├── requirements.txt
└── .gitignore
- pages : Stores Widget pages
- service : Common service
- widget : Custom Widget
- theme : Config material color
├── lib
│ ├── pages
│ │ ├── **/*.dart
│ ├── service
│ ├── theme
│ ├── widget
│ ├── routers.dart
│ ├── app.dart
│ ├── main.dart
├── assets
├── Dockerfile
├── nginx.conf
├── pubspec.yaml
├── web
├── android
├── ios
├── macos
├── windows
├── linux
└── .gitignore
langchain v0.1.3 : With previous version the package name level aggregation has changed, please note!
pinecone-client v3.0.2 : With previous version the package name level aggregation has changed, please note!
openai v1.9.0 : With previous version the package name level aggregation has changed, please note!
Currently tested and choosed pub latest version repository, if occur problems please write issue with me.
Markdown Library :
at frontend/lib/widget package custom_markdown.dart
/// Custom chat message display [markdown] style
/// - [CustomMarkdown]
/// - [CustomAudioTagSyntax]
/// - [CustomAudioBuilder]
/// - [CustomSyntaxHighlighter]
class CustomMarkdown extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MarkdownBody(
data: displayMsg,
selectable: true,
fitContent: true,
syntaxHighlighter: CustomSyntaxHighlighter(),
styleSheet: MarkdownStyleSheet(
codeblockDecoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.white70, borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8))),
onTapLink: (String text, String? href, String title) {
if (href == null || href.isEmpty) return;
imageBuilder: (Uri uri, String? title, String? alt) {
var header = {'Authorization': SpProvider().getString('token')};
return Container(
alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
width: 128,
height: 128,
child: ClipRRect(
borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8)),
child:, headers: header)));
extensionSet: md.ExtensionSet(md.ExtensionSet.gitHubWeb.blockSyntaxes, [,
builders: {'audio': CustomAudioBuilder(player)},
Project implements a simple handling of the backend to return the text with the audio tag, which is used to display the audio and click to play; and a simple definition of the code style.
CustomSyntaxHighlighter - Code Highlighte
TextField follows the text length automatic line feeds,when copying and pasting the cursor will be scroll to end multi_modal_input.dart
/// Calculate input height
/// [TextPainter.maxWidth] Dynamically calculates the width based on your text characters
(double, double) inputHeight(String value) {
final textPainter = TextPainter(
text: TextSpan(text: value, style: const TextStyle(height: 22)),
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
maxLines: null)
// ..layout(maxWidth: widget.maxWidth - 16 * 2 - 128);
..layout(maxWidth: 400);
final lineList = textPainter.computeLineMetrics();
final lines = lineList.length;
var lineHeight = lineList.fold(0.0,
(previousValue, element) => previousValue.toDouble() + element.height);
final totalHeight = minInputHeight * (lines == 0 ? 1 : lines);
if (totalHeight > 152) return (152, lineHeight * lines);
return (totalHeight, lineHeight * lines);
Modify the maxWidth and height if necessary, then use riverpod refresh UI state.