Features Update soon
Linktree Clone
Creators Tools List:
1.Thumbnail Downloader
2. Youtube Tag Finder
3. AIO Downloader
4. Freelancing Clients
5. SFX tools
Tech Stack:
Front End : Next.js, TailwindCSS, GlueStack Ui, React Native
Backend: Express.js, FastApi, SQLAlchemy, Mongoose
DB: Mysql, MongoDB
Auth: Firebase
Apis: YT Data Api
SFX Sound Effect App github Link:
Crack It App: https://github.com/Manoj-kumar-C/Crack-It
Crack It Backend: https://github.com/Manoj-kumar-C/Crack-it-backend-
Cmds to build a RN apps
Refer: https://docs.expo.dev/build/setup/
CMD to convert aab to apk
Any other Things to be included in the Creators App
Enhancing the Ui of the application
Firebase Authentication
Adding some the Assets related to content creation
Ai Music Integration
Add the SFX Feature
Logo for the App
aab to apk convertion