My name is Jasper Concepcion, I'm currently a Sr. Software Engieer at AcadArena.
I made this project mainly to showcase my experience as a software engineer. I chose the latest in tech (as of July 2023) as the stack for this project primarily because I like exploring new things on my side projects, listed below:
- NextJS / React
- TailwindCSS
- shadcn/ui which uses Radix Primitives
- tabler-icons
- react-markdown
- NextJS Server Components / Server Actions / Routes
Planetscale>vercel/postgres> NeonDB using PostgresJS driver
- NextAuth also known as AuthJS
- Upload Thing
- Drizzle ORM/Kit
- Zod
- React Hook Form
- date-fns
- Prettier
- Eslint
- Github Actions
- Docker
- TypeScript
- Shell scripting