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Custom Firmware for the PSP and PS Vita.

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ARK-4 e/CFW for the PSP and PS Vita.

New, updated, improved and modern CFW for PSP and Vita's ePSP. Simple to use and full of unique features, ARK CFW aims at keeping the PSP experience fresh. Being a successor to PRO and ME, ARK is now the most feature-complete CFW for the PSP, having all features from classic CFW as well as unique and exclusive new features not found anywhere else.


  • Core system heavily updated from traditional CFW with new exclusive features.

  • Inferno 2 Driver compatible with all formats (ISO, CSO, ZSO, JSO, CSOv2 and DAX).

  • Popcorn controller for custom PS1 games. Compatible with PopsLoader V3 and V4i.

  • Built-in No-DRM engine Stargate. Compatible with npdrm_free by qwikrazor87.

  • Plugin support for PSP games, PS1 games and VSH (XMB), including the ability to enable and disable plugins per-game.

  • Region Free playback of UMD Video on all PSP models. Change the region of your UMD drive on-the-fly.

  • Compatible with all PSP models on firmwares 6.60 and 6.61.

  • Compatible with all PS Vita models on firmware 2.10 up to 3.74, either official firmware or Henkaku/h-encore.

  • Compatible with 6.60 Testing Tool Firmware and Testkit Units.

  • Compatible with 6.60 Development Tool Firmware and Devkit Units.

  • Minimalistic: only 6 files installed on PSP flash, CFW extensions are installed on memory stick.

  • Resistant to soft-bricks, removing the memory stick is enough to leave it in a vanilla state.

  • Custom game launcher with built-in game categories, file browser, FTP server and client, modernized look and more.

  • Fully configurable via the XMB.

  • Improved and powerful Recovery app.

  • Compatible with PRO Online and Xlink Kai.

  • Compatible with Legacy Homebrew via eLoader and Leda.

  • Compatible with cIPL and Infinity 2 bootloaders for permanent CFW.


Compiling ARK ( For Developers )

Build script will allow you to use the correct SDK that ARK was built with.
  • Release: ./
  • Debug: ./ --debug
  • Manually: install the oldest possible SDK (ideally the one used to compile M33), then run make

Use -h or --help to show all available flags


  • Install ARK_01234 folder into /PSP/SAVEDATA/ folder.
  • Install ARK_Live folder into /PSP/GAME/ folder.
  • Launch ARK Loader. It will install ARK modules on PSP Flash and boot the CFW.
Update ARK
  • Update ARK using either ARKUpgrader or
    simply copy over the new ARK_01234 savedata folder and run ARK Loader again.
  • Optionally install Advanced VSH Menu for extra features by copying VSHMENU.PRX into ARK_01234 savedata folder.
Live CFW

  • Delete FLASH0.ARK from /PSP/SAVEDATA/ARK_01234 to prevent flashing files every time you reload the CFW.
  • Run ARK Loader every time you power off or hard reboot the device to re-enable ARK.

Permanent CFW via cIPL

  • Only works on 1K models and early 2K models (those compatible with Pandora).
  • Use pspident homebrew to identify your model and compatibility with custom IPL.
  • Copy ARK cIPL folder to /PSP/GAME/ and run the program.
  • Press the corresponding button in the installation page to install or remove the cIPL patch.

Permanent CFW via Infinity

  • Works on all PSP models on 6.60 or 6.61 firmwares.
  • Place the EBOOT.PBP (or EBOOT_GO.PBP renamed to EBOOT.PBP if using a PSP Go) from the Infinity folder found in the ARK download into /PSP/GAME/UPDATE.
  • Install Infinity using Official Firmware.
  • Run ARK Live to make sure your using ARK to run Infinity a second time.
  • Run Infinity a second time to configure autoboot.

On PS Vita

  • Works on 3.60 up to 3.74, either with or without Henkaku/h-encore.
  • Download a legit PSP game from PSN, the free demo of Ape Quest or LocoRoco Midnight Carnival is recommended. Minis are NOT recommended.
  • For Henkaku/h-encore users, install an ARK bubble using ArkFast (manually updated, create an issue if it outdated).
  • Official Firmware users (no henkaku/h-encore) can install the PBOOT bubble manually:
  • Replace the ARK savedata folder (ux0:pspemu/PSP/SAVEDATA/ARK_01234) with the folder from latest release.
  • Copy K.BIN from VitaBubble folder into ARK_01234 savedata folder.
  • To use right analog stick (i.e. gta_remastered plugin):
  • To exit from a game or homebrew back to the custom launcher, press L+R+Down+Start. Works on PSP too.
  • Some features are not available to Vita users, mainly the official Sony XMB and PS1 games.
  • The kernel exploit is known to have stability issues, if it fails or crashes, simply restart your Vita and try again.

Legacy Game Exploits (PSP & Vita)

  • Considering the savedata exploit loads H.BIN from the savedata path.
  • Copy every file from ARK_01234 except PARAM.SFO, SAVEDATA.BIN and K.BIN (ICON0.PNG can also be ignored), into the hacked savedata folder.
  • You need to have a K.BIN if you are running on an ancient Vita firmware (there's plenty of kernel exploit sources in ARK-2 and ARK-3 for reference).
  • Run the game and trigger the exploit as normal, it should load ARK.
  • If you have issues with stability, it might be necessary to run freemem() algorithm in the kernel exploit file (K.BIN).


Advanced VSH Menu

The default VSH menu packaged in ARK_01234 is a simplified, easier to use version of classic VSH menus. To have a more classic VSH menu with more advanced features you can install Advanced VSH Menu by copying VSHMENU.PRX from the AdvancedVSH folder into ARK_01234.

Installing Plug-Ins

The easiest method to install a plugin is to simply copy its .prx (and other files/folders the plugin needs) to its default installation folder (typically /SEPLUGINS/ folder) and navigate to it using the File Browser (built into Recovery Menu and Custom Launcher). Upon opening the .prx file, you will be given the options to select the runlevel, or type the game ID, where the plugin loads.

Alternately, you can manually install plugins by creating a file called PLUGINS.TXT in the /SEPLUGINS/ folder and/or ARK's savedata folder.

If coming from PRO/ME you can use this tool to automate your plugins.txt: ARK-Plugin-Converter

To install plugins use the comma-separated format (CSV). Where the header is: runlevel, path, switch. A few samples:

  • game, ms0:/seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheat.prx, enabled
  • pops, ms0:/seplugins/cdda_enabler.prx, 1
  • vsh, ms0:/seplugins/cxmb.prx, true
  • ULUS10041, ms0:/seplugins/lcscheatdevice.prx, on

You can use the following keywords to enable a plugin:

  • 1
  • on
  • true
  • enabled
  • Anything else disables the plugin

You can use the following keywords to tell ARK when the plugin loads:

  • all/always: if either of these keywords are used, the plugin will always load.
  • psp/umd: plugin should only load on retail games (UMD/ISO/PSN).
  • homebrew: plugin should only load on homebrews.
  • game: plugin can load on both retail games and homebrews.
  • psx/ps1/pops: plugin only loads in PSX games.
  • xmb/vsh: plugin only loads in the XMB.
  • launcher: use this if the plugin should only load in the custom launcher.
  • game ID: if you specify a game ID (i.e. SLUS000000), then the plugin will only load on that game.

You can also disable a plugin on certain games where they might be problematic. To do so, just add a disable line for the specific game ID after the enable line. For example, enable cwcheat on all retail games except for GTA LCS and VCS.

  • umd, ms0:/seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheat.prx, on
  • ULUS10041, ms0:/seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheat.prx, off
  • ULES00502, ms0:/seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheat.prx, off

Some noteworthy plugins that are compatible with ARK include (but not limited to):

  • CXMB.
  • Leda.
  • PopsLoader V3 and V4i.
  • Custom Firmware Extender.
  • PSPLink.
  • GTA LCS and VCS cheadevice (including the remastered version).
  • CWCheat.
  • pspstates kai.
  • XMB Item Hider v1.3-r3
  • DayViewer.
  • Categories Lite.
  • CDDA Enabler.
  • PRO Online.
  • PSP 3D.
  • ZeroVSH Patcher.

Configuration and Settings

You can use the XMB and/or the Recovery Menu to easily handle CFW settings. However if you prefer you can also manually handle the settings yourself.

You can create a SETTINGS.TXT file using the same format as PLUGINS.TXT to enable/disable some CFW functionality on different parts of the system. Configuration settings you can use in ARK include:

  • overclock: use this for better performance at the expense of battery time. Sets CPU/BUS speed to 333/166.
  • powersave: use this for better battery life at the expense of performance. Sets CPU/BUS speed to 133/66.
  • usbcharge: enables USB charging wherever you want.
  • launcher: replaces the XMB with a custom menu launcher.
  • disablepause: disables the pause game feature on PSP Go.
  • highmem: enables high memory on models above 1K. You should only use this on homebrew runlevel as retail games were not meant to use the extra memory, and this can cause issues with cheat devices or other plugins that expect games to have their data at specific memory addresses.
  • infernocache: enables cache for Inferno driver, improving performance of some games.
  • oldplugin: enables old plugins support on PSP Go (redirects ms0 to ef0).
  • skiplogos: skips the coldboot and gameboot logos.

You can use the same runlevels as used in plugins to tell ARK when the settings take effect (all/always, umd, homebrew, game, pops, vsh).

For example, you can overclock to highest CPU speed like this:

  • always, overclock, on

Another example, overclock only on games, use powersaving on VSH:

  • game, overclock, on
  • vsh, powersave, on

This also allows you to enable settings on specific games:

  • ULUS01234, overclock, on
  • ULES01234, powersave, on

Custom Launcher

ARK comes prepacked with a very powerful launcher with a built-in file browser and highly customizable. Some of its features include:

  • Playback of ISO and all CSO formats with PMF video preview.

  • Playback of UMD game discs.

  • Categorized and organized game menu by PSP Games, PSP Homebrew and PS1 Games.

  • Ability to scan savedata folders for games.

  • Compatibility with old VHBL, ARK-2 and TN-CEF file names and folder paths.

  • Ability to copy, move or delete entire folders.

  • File browser has built-in FTP client, allowing you to browse and copy files from another PSP.

  • FTP server and client can run simultaneously.

  • Ability to mount UMD Video ISOs using the file browser.

  • Ability to edit text files (.txt, .cfg or .ini).

  • Ability to install Plugins via the file browser.

  • Different background animation effects.

  • And more.

You can however change it to whatever you please. You can change the theme used by both the custom launcher and recovery menu by replacing THEME.ARK with your own.

Custom Launcher Themes

Orbs are animations and not part of the actual Themes

Theme: RED


Theme: Peace Walker

Peace Walker

Theme: Material Dark

Material Dark

Theme: GX Classic

GX Classic

Theme: Classic


Theme: Blue 2

Blue 2

Theme: Blue


Theme: BadgerOS_Sprunk


Theme: BadgerOS


Other Launchers

Aside from the default launcher provided, there have been many other custom launchers created by scene members, some better looking, some with more features, some more simpler, but all of them with personality, dedication and love from the community. Here is a list of all popular menus for ARK:

Note: some of these menus have not been updated or supported by their developers in a while, they may not work well with modern ARK or real PSP hardware.



  • Team PRO (the original developers of ARK): Coldbird, hrimfaxi and Neur0n.

  • qwikrazor87 for being such a genius and all his hard work with kernel exploits and ARK-2.

  • TheFl0w for his advancements and research in CFW development and overall contributions to the scene.

  • meetpatty for his excellent work in fixing bugs and adding important features like cIPL and DevKit support.

  • Codestation for his incredible work improving CSO speeds and creating the ZSO format.

  • UnkownBrackets (maxcso) for his help understanding the DAX format and Inferno speed hacks as well as creating the CSOv2 format.

  • Zer01ne, noname120, astart and other devs that have blessed me with their knowledge and wisdom.

  • Zecoxao for his great work creating dumpers that would allow us to archive rare firmwares.

  • balika for his research in porting M33 to modern firmware that has helped improve compatiblity in ARK.

  • hrydgard for the PMF player as well as being an inspiration for the custom launcher.

  • Every other giant shoulder I am standing on.


  • ARK comes with no warranty whatsoever. It was designed to be noob-proof, however it is possible for the universe to create an even greater noob capable of using ARK to destroy the Earth (or his PSP). I cannot be held responsible for this.

  • ARK may cause ejectile malfunction if your hard drive is not hard enough.

  • If this software malfunctions, you can turn it off and on again.


Custom Firmware for the PSP and PS Vita.






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  • C 72.5%
  • C++ 10.5%
  • Shell 7.9%
  • Roff 2.8%
  • Makefile 2.7%
  • Python 1.2%
  • Other 2.4%