StoryScapes v2.1.0-rc1
Change Log
v2.1.0 (2018-11-19)
Closed issues:
mapstory_prod_2018-11-16 (2018-11-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Frames should not appear on map when story is in Preview mode #1747
- Auto playback for storypins with embedded media #1520
Fixed bugs:
- Category will not save once you initially select a category from Edit Story Info #1792
- Move Sonarqube scan in GeoINT Services Pipeline #1769
- Sign In/Sign Out Messages displayed and not dismissable #1760
- Blank Tiles on Explore Page #1759
- HTTP 404 on static assets from django #1751
- Can't "click and drag to re-order chapters" #1506
Closed issues:
- StoryPin circle is hidden when I try to move an existing pin #1805
- World Topo Map Basemap Not Persisting #1804
- Natural Earth and Natural Earth 2 Basemaps don't rend at large zoom levels #1803
- Deploy to prod #1801
- Time/space not controlled by a Frame should zoomed to layer extent and should have 'force zoom' behavior #1800
- Frames showing up in the wrong chapter #1799
- Buttons on Layer Card within Story Won't Work #1793
- Add Symbol Configuration to Points - Graduated Styling Option #1791
- Add new default thumbnail for StoryScapes #1790
- Makefile for controlling docker-compose #1789
- Layers on layer detail page show loading wheel and don't play #1785
- thumbnails are not being generated for stories #1783
- Frames should not coerce max zoom across an entire story. #1782
- Manually entering lat/lon coordinates for StoryPins does not update location on map #1780
- Layer Styling available at inconsistent states #1778
- Validate playback settings behavior and hide non-functioning items #1777
- Specify units for media offset and media playback in storypins #1775
- Determine location for storypin media assets for storyscapes & add to whitelist #1768
- Update the CONOPs (for the diagrams and software lists) #1767
- Filter by StoryScape/MapStory on Explore not working. #1752
- Start and end dates for frames should not overlap #1745
- Fix styling
back button
so that it is no longer covered by classification banner in SS #1698 - Username for GeoAxis authentication #1643
- storyframes don't fully zoom to box outline #1631
- StoryLayer thumbnails use a different basemap than viewer #1609
- Deleting a StoryFrame doesn't delete the frame square on the map #1600
- Thumbnail tests using the wrong style #1561
- Discrepancies in negative time display #1461
Merged pull requests:
- Use GEOINT Services' OSM server for StoryScapes #1808 (cuttlefish)
mapstory_prod_2018-11-14 (2018-11-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Can't start Frames outside of the cumulative range of all dataset used #1746
- Refactor how Bounding Box can be drawn #1744
- Add UI/UX treatment to indicate layers or stories are "loading" when I click to play them #1543
- Support multiple Organization link URLS #1090
- Resolve URL duplication & redundancy #522
Fixed bugs:
- CSV File will import data but will not allow user to play the data #1794
- Replace Haystack #1127
- Div height now behaving as expected in Organizations #1109
- Progress Bar on UPLOAD step of importer modal is gone #948
- Composer-MiniExplore -Partial Word search not functioning. Looking for layer "Asylum Centers" (u[...] #849
- Problem with log rotation on production #516
Closed issues:
- Layers showing up in story tab on Profile #1781
- Add zoom level form field and functionality to StoryFrames creation form #1755
- Remove start time and end time from story frame creation form #1754
- Deployment to MIL DEV #1749
- CodeFactor Issue Cleanup #1743
- Fix dev composer deployments #1741
- Add python linters to the django container #1730
- Fix Thumbnail Tests on Travis #1728
- Attempt update to GDAL 2.3 #1727
- Lint fixes for Composer #1726
- Make backups work for StoryScapes deployments #1721
- BOSH release: Add env vars for customAccountAdapter and EditStoryScapesProfileForm #1719
- Add env vars for customAccountAdapter and EditStoryScapesProfileForm #1716
- Pin / date alignment #1712
- Frame tab didn’t open a new tab #1711
- Autoplay is causing an issue with saving #1710
- Fix Pin export coordinates to use actual map projections vs image space projections #1709
- “Scrubbing” caused the playing of the layer to not play frames (and maybe pins) #1708
- Save notification message (in composer) #1707
- Styling doesn’t persist in the styling panel #1706
- Custom color shouldn’t show picker unless button is clicked #1705
- Legend should close if there aren’t layers in chapter #1704
- Create new chapter could take you to the chapter config #1702
- Pins to Respect Chapter of Origin #1701
- in StoryFrames, change
button to sayadd
#1700 - Fix CSS for pins so text box for pins so it doesn’t grow forever #1699
- Change Pins coordinate system from pixel offset to decimal degrees #1697
- Move pins into chapters #1696
- Update copy/videos on SS "Get Started " page #1676
- Redress External Dependencies ( for StoryScapes Deployment #1675
- StoryScapes Logo does not go back to homepage #1673
- Site Wide StoryScapes Branding Review #1672
- Front Page Copy/Text for StoryScapes #1671
- NGA mandated usage monitoring & metrics (Matomo) #1669
- Implement Matomo script snippet #1668
- Update homepage gif for SS #1662
- GeoServer styles aren't set properly #1657
- Text wrap the StoryPin box #1651
- Create StoryFrames by pulling from top-left to bottom right #1650
- Logout StoryScapes when all windows are closed #1644
- Move the menu item for adding a remote layer #1642
- Hide messaging from StoryScapes #1641
- Remove "change password" from StoryScapes' user pulldown menu #1640
- StoryScapes logo doesn't link back to the main page #1639
- Modify profile page for StoryScapes #1638
- StoryScapes redirects to profile page after login #1637
- StoryScapes branding issues #1636
- storyframe box and transparency/opacity should not appear on published stories #1630
- Storypin bulk upload template doesn't work, likely because of lat/long format options #1629
- Implement NGA requested app tracking for StoryScapes #1628
- URLs are wrong on Initiative and Org pages #1626
- Research Kubernetes for deployments #1625
- Errors when saving story with multiple chapters #1624
- Devops Processes #1619
- Labeling in composer #1617
- Upgrade to Request 2.87.0 #1616
- Update to Karma 2.0.0 #1615
- Update the blank thumbnail image #1614
- Sync prod schema #1611
- Research using pgBackRest for faster backups #1610
- Making maps in the Pacific is impossible #1608
- Scrolling allows going "off of the map" #1607
- Remove build dependency on the GeoNode repo #1604
- UC Ops Release #1602
- After the StoryFrame bounding box is created, the mouse cursor should be released #1599
- In composer, alternating 'adding' and 'deleting' layers can cause issues #1598
- Reloading a story to view sometimes shows different results #1597
- Users can "add" layers that don't exist in composer, causing issues #1596
- Refactor Stories / Pins / Frames Apps for Saving #1594
- Lint All Python Code #1593
- Ensure that all unit tests live within their respective apps. #1592
- Refactor #1591
- Django General Cleanup #1590
- Remove Apps Directory #1589
- StoryFrames form continues to appear in StoryPins area #1588
- Pins are appearing at start of chapter before their "start time" #1586
- adjust legend height #1585
- Legend text is white and not legible #1584
- Toggled preview mode in composer, and Save/Publish/Exit buttons no longer appear #1583
- Automated backups #1574
- Scripted backups #1573
- Changing database name broke the geogig repos on prod #1572
- Viewer makes WMS requests for
#1571 - Returning to Style Editor should preserve previous style #1570
- Troubleshoot Production Layers #1566
- Prevent user from logging in until account is activated via activation email #1565
- Rename prod and old-prod databases #1559
- "Add Chapter" appears in preview mode #1558
- Order of Layers in Layer Sidebar should be respected in order of the layers on the map. #1557
- Old layers are broken when adding to Composer #1556
- Investigate convert story-tools from Gulp to webpack #1555
- Add --no-color to Storyscapes job startup script #1554
- Auto Resize Images/Video in Pins #1553
- Determine level of effort to upgrading version of PostGresSQL #1552
- Research level of effort to upgrade to RabbitMQ 3.7.x #1551
- Research upgrade to ElasticSearch 6.3 #1550
- Storyscapes job not waiting for Docker image download #1548
- README for BOSH Release #1547
- Add contact info to the GeoServer config #1546
- Update expected image for thumbnail test #1544
- Layers on Staging getting ows error #1538
- Refactor Saving #1525
- Encapsulate Angular code #1524
- Can't enter data into the story frame title field at first. (Only seems to happen in a draft) #1487
- Rating story on a 5-star scale #1447
- Setting up docker, chrome https issue #1428
- Restructure primary Dockerfile #1417
- On call support for import failures #1412
- Composer #1403
- Community Version Edit tool #1401
- Refactor storypins to use camelCase for JSON payloads #1383
- Fix
Create StoryLayer
UI #1379 - story-tools-composer Refactor #1361
- Lint all the things! #1358
- Add Save Notification to Composer #1318
- Composer latency problems #1299
- Try to use iNotify for polling on OSX #1264
- Refactor Styling Workflow #1263
- Create Styling Workflow #1262
- Integrate new story-tools[-composer] builds into MapStory #1256
- Spike: what does table view editing mean for geogig history? #1219
- 'Contact' heading visible on profile when no contact is provided #1215
- Protractor container exit code 1 #1210
- Use generic style for thumbnail creation #1209
- Hard to see link after composing story #1208
- Re-examine e2e tests #1177
- ElasticSearch should save its index to a volume #1169
- Documentation Spike: collecting our notes and knowledge on how we use basemaps #1162
- Write function to get layer caps from geoserver #1161
- Zoom to commit stops transforming coordinates after first click. #1148
- Create Layer Styling UI #1146
- Cannot select features in edit mode #1139
- Fix ol zoom, scale and attribute positioning #1135
- Write tests for new API config behavior #1132
- Story titles are limited to 160 characters and we don't validate that in the UI currently. Generic error. #1130
- Move "getLayerOptions" function to new service #1126
- Social media and hyperlinks in Org Pages should launch a new tab #1124
- Write code to interface with MapStory API #1122
- Create REST endpoint for mapstory configs #1111
- Pass config from Django to Composer in Docker Container #1110
- Setup deployment for acceptance tests #1097
- Create Travis CI Pipeline for Composer #1082
- "Default Chapter View" should be the default view, not the required view #1072
- Site notifications don't dismiss/close upon clicking 'x' #1053
- Selection box doesn't match image in Icon Commons #1036
- set up additional stylesheet docs for shared site-wide css classes & js interaction (typography, buttons, layout etc) #966
- Build JAR and inject into our GeoServer WAR #933
- Does the "required" box go anywhere in the Create Layer form? #872
- Add KML upload support to importer. #847
- create a 'private' card template for the drafts tab on the profile #811
- Era definitions module #799
- Configure and verify backups of prod GS data directory #706
- Duplicate city names can appear in autocomplete results. Double check case sensitivity. #618
- Journal browser tests #535
- Setup DDT for browser tests #483
- Tests for proxy views #482
- Tests for XML utils in #433
- Test Layer remove view #432
- GeoServer and GeoNode logon/logoff not synced #383
- Research ElasticSearch Upgrade #378
- Improve truncation in GeoWebCache when using parameterized caches #352
- Update elastic search object so that if a user changes their name, their content attaches to new name #320
- Normalize column names for imported data #307
Merged pull requests:
- Add chapter_index for the chapter sorting functionality in Composer. #1797 (Coop56)
- Resolve several related search api / explore page bugs. #1788 (Coop56)
- Serve static django content directly from nginx #1787 (cuttlefish)
- Makefile for controlling docker-compose #1786 (cuttlefish)
- Fixed save erroring out if there are deleted frames and multiple chap… #1779 (j-meyer)
- Dismissible User Alerts #1773 (Coop56)
- Revert configurationOptions to configuration_options. #1772 (darinacosta)
- Issue 1643: Populate username field from GeoAxis uid #1766 (DerekSedlmyer)
- Fix linting errors #1765 (darinacosta)
- Proper target blank usage #1763 (Coop56)
- Python Tests Linting #1762 (Coop56)
- Added endpoint to persist and return layer styles #1756 (j-meyer)
- 1644 User Logout on Browser Close #1753 (Coop56)
- Resolve linting issues for the e2e directory. #1748 (Coop56)
- Fix thumbnail test #1740 (cuttlefish)
- Custom Analytics in Django Admin #1739 (Coop56)
- Apply fixes from CodeFactor #1736 (Coop56)
- Move backups to only run on MapStory prod #1733 (cuttlefish)
- Python linters #1732 (cuttlefish)
- Pep8 auto formatting #1731 (Coop56)
- Separate container for Composer #1725 (cuttlefish)
- Refactory StoryLayer Components #1724 (Coop56)
- Refactor Story Components #1723 (Coop56)
- Refactor profile components #1720 (Coop56)
- New env vars for StoryScapes deployments #1718 (cuttlefish)
- General django cleanup #1717 (Coop56)
- Customizable Edit Profile Forms #1715 (Coop56)
- Fix Teams Layer Card URLs #1714 (Coop56)
- Custom StoryScapes Registration Path #1713 (Coop56)
- Remove Messages from StoryScapes #1695 (cuttlefish)
- Remove change password menu item for StoryScapes #1694 (cuttlefish)
- Move remote service menu item for StoryScapes #1693 (cuttlefish)
- Delete #1683 (cuttlefish)
- StoryScapes branding cleanup #1663 (cuttlefish)
- Resolve getTestUser Tests #1635 (Coop56)
- Refactor apps directory #1634 (Coop56)
- Added properties for autoplaying videos #1633 (j-meyer)
- Refactor saving #1632 (Coop56)
- Reinstate confirmation email #1623 (cuttlefish)
- Change missing thumbnail image #1620 (cuttlefish)
mapstory_prod_2018-09-09 (2018-09-10)
Closed issues:
mapstory_prod_2018-09-04 (2018-09-04)
Closed issues:
- Can't get past Step 1: "Import service is currently unavailable" #1569
- Changing the "owner" of layers w/out geonode: in URL causes them to break #1567
Merged pull requests:
- Automated backups #1595 (cuttlefish)
- Creating a backup container that pushes to S3 #1582 (cuttlefish)
mapstory_prod_2018-08-30 (2018-08-29)
Fixed bugs:
- iframe embed is broken #1513
- Country list in storytellers EXPLORE doesn't seem to match country list in edit-profile #1505
- GeoNode Layers Endpoint not working #1245
- MapStories API on prod returns error #1216
Closed issues:
- Optimize nginx gzip configuration #1540
- Add configuration option for the number of nginx worker processes #1539
- Story-tools: Replace Angular $http requests with ES6 fetch #1533
- Update Promises in Story-Tools #1528
- Support ATO assesment #1527
- Unit tests are not working #1526
- Fix issues on MapStory Prod #1523
- Redirect Audit Logs to stdout #1485
- Remove Remote Services from Editor #1377
- Update with latest storyscapes #1373
- Assess GF Concerns #1327
- Make symbol selection change on click in ST #1281
- Investigate Chapter Info Sidebar #1278
- Move button and Drag functionality for StoryPins #1258
- Show StoryPin Overlay in Map #1257
- Add "Dark" basemap to Composer basemap options #1254
- Set up Composer in Docker and test styling #1249
- Add embed sharing to StoryLayers #1238
- Required form fields on layer detail page creates unintentional browser dialogue #1233
- Troubleshoot Timeline #1230
- Troubleshoot styling dropdowns #1223
- Fix Story-tools build script #1220
- StoryPin Bulk Upload #1202
- Save StoryPin list #1201
- Place StoryPin on map with click #1200
- Show StoryPin in Map #1199
- Show StoryPin in Timeline #1198
- StoryPin Sidebar #1194
- Troubleshoot Missing Style Name #1190
- Change layer order in config on sort #1076
Merged pull requests:
- Viewer isn't always receiving the layer name properly #1568 (cuttlefish)
- Update thumbnail verification image #1562 (cuttlefish)
- Update to rabbitmq 3.7 #1560 (cuttlefish)
- Nginx configuration improvements #1541 (cuttlefish)
- Fix some of the share urls on the layer detail page #1535 (cuttlefish)
mapstory_prod_2018-08-21 (2018-08-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Remove border and shading for frames on published stories #1509
Fixed bugs:
- (on staging only) polygon layers fail to appear on map #1515
- (on staging only) uploading an image to an Org or Initiative profile fails #1514
- Storypin embedded media not showing on published stories #1449
- Storypin Bulk Upload not working #1442
- StoryPins do not appear on published stories #1433
- Sending message generates django-error message page #1430
- Bad JSON in layer_acls_mapstory view #1423
- Composer: Add a layer not working #1421
- "Featured" story selection is not persisting on the home page when we update the site. #1049
Closed issues:
- ____BREAK____ #1532
- Update deployment to use python 2.7.15 #1516
- Deploy updated code base to staging #1511
- Rule-based styling is only partially working #1510
- Enable Automatic Login between Geonode and Geoserver #1501
- Remote Service layer content not visible in Layer Viewer as a non-admin user #1499
- Legend doesn't update while styling #1494
- (SS) Revert to original GeoNode Thumbnails #1493
- Layers can only be downloaded as KML #1492
- Edits not showing up in contributor tab on layer detail page #1491
- styling fails for non-admin accounts #1489
- (SS) SS theme still has Journal tab in profile, but Journal tool is stripped out #1486
- (SS) Fix VTC link in storytellers EXPLORE #1484
- (SS) Reference to [email protected] email in Delete Profile confirmation #1482
- RabbitMQ password is hardcoded #1478
- Import Layer redirects to HTTP #1476
- Admin password reset to default on restart #1475
- Make Form Based Login Configurable #1474
- BEAST deployment not saving Postgres data #1472
- Update BOSH manifest per PaaS changes #1470
- Update date picker #1468
- Nginx FORCE_HTTPS_REFRESH Flag #1465
- Dates are not persisted when bulk-uploading storypins #1464
- Enable Zap scanning in GS Pipeline #1463
- Enable SonarQube in GEOINT Services pipeline #1462
- AWS Optimization #1459
- Change user-friendly error page #1451
- User cannot edit geometry shapes or change their location #1450
- Storypin Bulk upload modal needs to hide when pressing OK #1448
- Favoriting story to add to your profile #1446
- Flagging story for administrator review #1445
- Commenting on story (threaded comments) #1444
- Cannot delete a MapStory/StoryScape #1439
- General Layer Permissions Problems #1437
- Story Viewer Geonode 2.8.0 Upgrade Errors #1435
- Update Layer Viewer To User Composer (User Orange Template) #1434
- Enable geometry editing in the Layer Editing #1432
- Within Upload tabs the download and delete buttons don't function. #1431
- Geonode 2.8.0 Upgrade Views Cleanup #1426
- Add Mailing-List sign-up modal #1424
- Mapstories API: build_filters() got an unexpected keyword argument #1415
- Investigate & Fix Append Functionality with Geonode 2.8.0 #1413
- Migrate Auth to Geonode.people #1409
- Trouble shoot GeoNode Remote Services implementation #1408
- Profile Management #1407
- Peer Review #1406
- Search #1405
- Publisher #1404
- Append tool #1402
- Create StoryLayer tool #1400
- Data Importer #1399
- Icon Styling Colorization #1398
- Restore ability to delete individual storypins within composer #1397
- Refactor Coordinate System fields in StoryPins #1396
- Modify Editor so that OGC layers are not editable #1395
- Validate addition of non-temporal WMS layer to a Story in the Composer #1394
- GeoNode 2.8 and WMS layers #1390
- Upgrade to Geonode 2.8.0 #1389
- Update GeoServer to 2.12 #1388
- Configure GeoFence authentication #1387
- Modify GeoNode to assign Remote Services to the user that actually did the import #1385
- Fix GeoNode import of Pixia WMS #1384
- Fix
Add Feature
duringCreate StoryLayer
#1380 - Develop BOSH deployment of StoryScapes #1370
- .mil Deployment #1368
- Implement Audit Logging #1367
- Fortify Scans #1366
- Add download for storypin bulk upload sample file #1362
- Loop Story causes story to re-start and break #1343
- Choose One Time Picker in Composer #1319
- Composer and Viewer playback expand/minimize bug #1297
- Licences #1265
- Thumbnails - PhantomJS implementation #1188
- Table View in maploom composer exposes layer editing to users from within a story. #1187
- Experiencing randomized layer styling upon import instead of mapstory-orange dots. #1181
- Upgrade to GeoNode 2.7.x #1119
- Scope User Content to Archive #1116
- Create layer service that can be used across application #1063
- Generating human-friendly error messages in layer editing interface #870
- After a polygon shape is edited, the playback still shows the previous shape #865
- Audit AWS Usage #570
- Icon Commons icons should show in a list without requiring search #316
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes Unit Tests #1531 (Coop56)
- Fixes the Download Links Available #1530 (Coop56)
- Added ability to embed story layers #1521 (j-meyer)
mapstory_prod_2018-08-10 (2018-08-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed iframe embed #1519 (j-meyer)
- Create LICENSE.txt #1518 (lhcramer)
- Fixed country search not showing all countries #1517 (j-meyer)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator