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Website of map to canada

For Developer

  • MacOS/Linux is required
  • Docker and docker-compose are required


Start backend with docker container

  1. Create the dev-container: ./dev backend
  2. Install Python dependencies: pipenv install (Only first time or after git-pull)
  3. Start Django in the dev-container: ./dev run

Create Superuser:

pipenv run python3 createsuperuser

Access By http:

Language Code:

  • en-us
  • zh-hans

Other commands:

  • Install new pip package: pipenv install <package-name>
  • Entry the pipenv: pipenv shell
  • Create database migrations: ./dev makemigrations
  • Migrate the dev-database: ./dev migrate
  • Run Django test: ./dev test
  • Run Coverage: ./dev coverage
  • Create i18n .po file: ./dev mkmsg
  • Complie i18n .po file to .mo file: ./dev comsg


For container development:

  1. Create the container: ./dev frontend
  2. Re-install PNP pakcages by Yarnpkg: yarn install
  3. Start Webpack dev-server: yarn start

For native development:

(Nodejs installed is required)

If yarnpkg is not installed: npm install -g yarn

  1. yarn install
  2. yarn start



Other commands:

Install new package: yarn add [-D] <package-name>@version

Recycle development container

./dev down

Docker hub