My name is Marco, and I am a Computer Science student @ Universitร degli Studi di Milano since 2020. I am currently working on StudentiUniMi, an organization which offers web services and Telegram groups to students of University of Milan.
Since 14, I like to develop little things and share them with the world! I truly believe in free software (as freedom, not as beer!) so I share the source code and I make it free everytime I can.
- StudentiUniMi/backend: backend code used by StudentiUniMi to operate its website and Telegram groups.
- botogram (maintainer): Python framework to develop Telegram bots; I use it mostly in all projects
- OrarioTreniBot: Telegram bot for italian trains
- data-clustering-contest: My submission for Telegram Data Clustering Contest
- ClasseVivaBot: Telegram bot for ClasseViva / Spaggiari eletronic register
- and many more...
- quanto-manca: how long it takes? Analysis of covid vaccination status in Italy
- unihome: a web directory to find the correct resource in my university website
- immuni-tek-sender: sends a Telegram notification when a new exposure key batch is added to the Immuni keyserver
- university: my code and notes produced during my computer science university course
- ITIS and ITIS-php: a bunch of high school homework
- and many (many!) more...
Check out my public gists too!