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Analyze files in Linux enviroments

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Operative systems project

PROGETTO II LabSO1 - AA 2019-2020 -- 202343, 202369, 202351, 204679

Gruppo: [email protected] - Variante "U"

Componenti del gruppo:

Riccardo Parola     202343  [email protected]    00000001  
Riccardo Peron      202369  [email protected]     00000002  
Marco Di Francesco  202351  [email protected]  00000003  
Filippo Daniotti    204679  [email protected]   00000004  

How to use

Run to run docker using the DockerFile (a kind of docker-compose).

If you don't want to run use the docker comamnds below.

Docker commands

Run docker (if not enabled):

sudo systemctl start docker

Build image from Dockerfile (need to be run in the folder of the DockerFile):

  • tag specifies name of the contaier:the version
docker image build --tag osproject:latest .

Run container from previously built image:

  • rm deletes the container once closed
  • $(pwd) mount volume in the local folder
  • /root is the folder inside the docker instance
docker container run \
--name osproject \
--interactive \
--tty \
--rm \
--volume $(pwd):/root \

Attach to a running container:

docker exec --interactive --tty osproject bash

Compiler commands

Compile (inside the continer):

make build

Clean (inside the continer):

make clean

How it works


It's possible to run the program in two ways:

  • Using main binary (/root/bin/main)
  • Running the program Analyzer (/root/bin/analyzer), then running Report (/root/bin/report)

The files that will be analyzed are .txt, .cpp, .c, .java and .py.

If you don't want this fearure, you can set FILTER_BY_TYPE to 0 in src/analyzer/analyzer.h.


To run main run /root/bin/main.
It requires the files /root/bin/analyzer and /root/bin/report to exist.

It is used to manage Analyzer and Report.


To run main run /root/bin/main.
It requires the file /root/bin/analyzer to exist.

It is used to run Analyzer and open a named pipe with it, than require analyzed data, than it will close analyzer than finish.


To run analyzer run /root/bin/analyzer.

It is used to create Counter and calulate which process P analyze which file. If Counter already exist, it will recalculate the processes P assigned files. Once this is completed it will close, it won't wait for Counter to close.


Counter is run in Analyzer.

Is the process that manage and starts P and Q processes, based on the values N and M, gathers informations from theyir analysis and sends them trought messages to the process Report.

struct CounterStruct {
    string FileName = "";
    int ProcessP = -1;
    int Statistics[Cluster];
    CounterStruct *next = NULL;


P is run in Counter.

When P is started, it will get the path of the file that it needs to analyze and it spowns the all the child processes Q.


Q is run in P.

When Q is started, it will get the path of the file that it needs to analyze and which part. When the process finishes, it communicates the results to P.


This program has limits that we couldn't solve in time:

  • Max analyzable files is 500 (limited by the message to Report)
  • Max analyzable files in Counter is 3077
  • You can only add files on the fly but it's not possible to add folder once the program is started
  • Max lenght of the analyzable path is 48 characters
  • Max number of total process is ( N = 15 ) and ( N + M*N <= 150)
  • There is one sleep() in the P process to slow down the control of the termination of all the Q process
  • It's possible to run the programs only if they're placed under /root/bin/


Analyze files in Linux enviroments






Contributors 4

