Plot the coverage at some specific region from multiple bam files:
./ [-p <geneposition>] [-o <outfile>.pdf] [-options] <bamfile1> [<bamfile2> ...]
This grew over time, please excuse the bad code
- Uses pysam to get pile up reads covering the selected regions
- Plots the coverage using matplotlib
- Allows grouping of samples and other customization
./ [-p <geneposition>] [-options] <bamfile1> [<bamfile2> ...]
-p <geneposition> specify genomic position with: <chromosome>:<start>-<end>
-z <sizefactor1>,<sf2>,... specify normalization size factors for each bamfile in order
-s <+|-> specify strand ( + or - ) to be included in plot title
-e <start>-<end>,<s-e>,... select feature regions to be plotted exclusively
-l <label1>,<l2>,... specify labels for the regions
-c <condition1>,<c2>,... specify patterns to group bamfiles by filename
-n <name1>,<n2>,... specify names for the condition groups
-u <uname> include unmatched bamfiles under name <uname>
-a average samples of the same condition, default off (plot all samples)
-L set logarithmic scale for the y-axis
-S add smoothed curve (rolling mean of 49-mers, twice applied)
-f enable samtools-like filtering of reads (default no filtering)
-o <file> specify output filename and thus output format
-P <file> only write coverage data to pickle file
- python
- matplotlib
- numpy
- pysam
This list is potentially incomplete.
conda env create --file ./plotCoverageExons.yaml
conda activate plotCoverageExons